I’ve missed about a month of posts that I was assigned to write. I do apologize. A few times I forgot, lost track of the week, etc….and more than once I knew it was my turn and I clicked on the “new post” words and then just watched the cursor pulsate awhile….if there is a version of writer’s block called” I can’t think of any thing positive to say and can’t bear to whine here”….then that’s what I’ve had for...
People often like to claim the secret to a happy life. I remember, years back, when the book “The Secret” came out. What a craze it was. It was a 2006 best seller! Somehow this one author had found THE key to happiness. All you had to do was buy the book, read it and happiness was yours! How ridiculous this sounds and yet people believe it and bought the book. ...
I feel like maybe my thoughts have been a little bit on the “downer” side lately. God has been allowing me to wrestle with some thoughts on the brokenness of this world and ultimately it comes back to reliance on Him … for everything. I always enjoy the holidays and look forward to the things we do to celebrate the birth of Christ and just having time together as a family … without distractions. ...
The past four months since being matched with our (most precious beautiful unbelievably squeezable) twins from Congo have been–different–than expected. I quite honestly have been dreading this part of the process: knowing their faces and names and yet being helpless to do anything about bringing them home. And yet, the Lord has used these past few months in some unexpected ways–He always does! ...
I was struck today,once again, by the method God uses to redeem the World. The creator of the Universe, the great “I AM”, has chosen to use His creation. One by one. Each faith-filled life. Lowly humans. Mere men and woman. He has chosen to reveal His love for the World and His desire to be back in right relationship with them through people. People who humble themselves and place their trust in Jesus instead of in themselves. I...
What do you do when the days are hard? What do you do when hard stuff happens? What do you do when you don’t know where to turn? ...
Today is Black Friday. I confess that I bought nothing. At least not yet. I still have 2 hours and 21 minutes….just in case I find a good on-line deal or two. Roger went for Christmas lights, I stayed home. I intended to shop a bit but life took hold and it just never happened. We went to chop down our Christmas tree today as we have for 18 years running. ...