Testimony Tuesdays

07 Mar

Testimony Tuesday

Robert & Amy Reynolds family Children: Kellen (5), Caleb (5), Norah (3) and Owen (3) Church: Sojourn Church,...

07 Feb

Testimony Tuesday

Kevin and Cherad Cloran family Children: Rachel (3), Natalie (5), Avery (7), and Audrey (9,) Joey (2,...

24 Jan

Testimony Tuesday

Michael and Signe Carlson family Children: Esther (21 months), Daniel (21 days – in process of adopting) Church:...

15 Nov

Testimony Tuesday

Gerardo and Constance Solano Children : Monsi 16, Tati 13, Gabriel 8, Jade 4 Looking to adopt: Kai...

25 Oct

Testimony Tuesday

Jason and Jennie Salazar Children: Jackson (17), Cameron (15), Josie (8), Diego (4) Church: James River Church, Ozark,...

11 Oct

Testimony Tuesday

James and Lisa Murphy Children: Madolyn (10), Joseph (7), Charlie (6), Lulu (6) just home! Church: St. Vincent...

27 Sep

Testimony Tuesday

Justin and Kathy Hansen Children:  Availya, and Evalina Soon to be added to their family: Oskar, Igor, and...

13 Sep

Testimony Tuesday

Brandon and Melissa Cotter Children: Autumn (7), Brooklyn (4) and Caidyn (2) – Not pictured is our...

30 Aug

Testimony Tuesday

Paul & Laura Wilson Children: Asher Emerick (3), Kai Daniel Wilson (2) (expected to join our family...

16 Aug

Testimony Tuesday

Richard and Kimberly Wheeler Daughter: Maliah Joy Wheeler. 4 months old. Born on November 10, 2015. Church: Covenant...