
Walking the road of adoption can often feel very lonely and overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to!

When we are better able to surround ourselves with community and resources, the gap between us and the abundance of the journey becomes just a little bit smaller. Regardless of where you are in the process – signing that first piece of paperwork or sitting with a child who has been home for 10 years – Katelyn’s Fund strives to be in this place of connection for your fullness and His glory.

Find your people + Celebrate Together

There is nothing quite like gathering together and sharing the journey with people who truly understand. Learn more about our local support meetings and Orphan Sunday celebration.

Get Equipped

Adoption Information
  • Loving Shepherd Ministries – A valuable, free service to those researching adoption. Loving Shepherd helps families “find their way” in an educated and ethical manner.
  • JCICS – Joint Council on International Children’s Services. This site provides country-specific information and updates.
  • RainbowKids – A “voice of adoption,” RainbowKids seeks to inform and educate pre-adoptive and adoptive families on current topics in the adoption world.
  • Adoption Learning Partners – Excellent educational online videos for those in all stages of adoption and parenting.

Orphan Care Resources

Explore Our Resources

It is our honor to walk with you. We pray these resources would equip, encourage, and propel you into the Father’s heart for help for your family.


Our bi-annual newsletter aims to keep friends of Katelyn’s Fund up-to-date on events within the ministry and share the journeys of our grant recipient families.


We hope this devotional is a spiritual support to you. As you hear each devotion, we pray you will hear His voice speaking and encouraging you.


Be strengthened and encouraged by His Word, His Truth, and His promises. Here we share various Words of the Day and prayer guides.

Hope for the Journey Conference

The Hope for the Journey Conference is a one-day event presented by Show Hope and the Karyn Purvis Institute of Child Development– an incredible time of equipping for adoptive and foster parents.

Latest Blog Posts


10.10.24 Support Meeting

October 10 - School/Home Connections, Grant Willits & Iver Mettler We all have...


09.12.24 Support Meeting

September 12 - Know, Love, Speak, Do - Loren DeJong So often we...


05.05.24 Support Meeting

May 5, 2024  - Fostering Relationships: Kelsi Ebel, Sheryl Winterfeld, Nikolyn Kredit Tonight...