Prayers for Us

Praying for us.

Praying for us is one of the most significant ways you can partner with the Katelyn’s Fund ministry. Here are some ways you can pray, be a direct part of the ministry, and make an impact in caring for the orphan:

  • First and foremost – that our hearts are one with Him, and He is glorified in all we do
  • Knowledge, insight, and surrender to do His will, not ours, for the ministry and for His kingdom
  • The Holy Spirit will use us to help awaken churches to the Biblical call to care for the fatherless
  • His protection for children waiting and in difficult circumstances, specifically that He would bring opportunities for them to know Him
  • Healing and restoration for children and families who are attaching, bonding, and recovering from a hurt/loss
  • Protection for adoptive families and continued growth and depth in their spiritual walks
  • Wisdom for ministry in how to best meet the needs of families and children
  • Financial provision for the ministry, to be poured out on others
  • Wisdom and discernment in moving forward with orphan care partnerships
  • Continued passion and commitment from all ministry teams
  • Protection over ministry team members and their families
Praying for you.

We also take incredible pleasure in being able to pray for you. Whether you are in the initial stages of dreaming about adoption, in the process of waiting or facing struggles years after your child has come home, our team of prayer warriors would love to intercede alongside you.

In the meantime, we will be praying…

  • Protection over your marriage
  • Steadiness through transitions and different stages with your children
  • Deep and healthy attachment
  • For a personal relationship with Jesus
  • That the Lord continues to give you wisdom in the relationship with and advocacy for your children
  • God continues to increase trust in each of us, and that we would fully understand that His grace is sufficient enough.

Will you pray for me?

Is there a specific way our Prayer Team can be in prayer for you? Every request sent our way will be lifted up in confidentiality and confidence.

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