I spent the week this week in a training course. 5 days, 8-10 hours a day. It ended with a test to determine if I was qualified to be a Certified Lactation Counselor. The test results will be available in 6-8 weeks. I’m brain-dead from this week….but so glad to be home. We looked at lots of research studies on lots of different subjects regarding breastfeeding. One study had to do with peer pressure, and the power of persuasion. An...
It has been awhile since I blogged last however, in my last posting (Aug. 16th, titled Make His name known) I reflected on how parenting can feel like battle, because it is! There is a very real enemy who is out to destroy families. I ended my reflection stating that next time I posted I would reflect on how we already have the victory. Let me share a bit of truth to encourage you as you fight the good fight! ...
I am writing this in the hope of encouraging someone who is going through the fire as they journey to bring their beloved child home… When you say yes, to growing your family through the miracle and gift of adoption, you instantly become a thorn in the enemy’s side. satan hates you, he hates the over 147 million orphaned children in the world, and he hates God. The last thing the defeated one wants is a precious, little child...