We adopted our youngest, Precious Maryn, when she was born. 10 days after her birth, she was placed in our arms. We left the adoption agency and went to Target for baby supplies. We didn’t know what would “come with her” when she was literally handed over to us, so we didn’t do alot of shopping ahead of time. The sum of her belongings included the clothes she was wearing, a snuggly elephant thingy(like a mini-blanket), and a bag that...
As I reflect upon 2013 I can’t help but wondering what will fill my schedule. I am a planner and often times I find myself day dreaming about potential plans, next steps in life, decisions that will come up, and other future plans. All of these things are not really even in my control because I do not hold tomorrow. I am not going “all bad” and trying to say that planning and thinking through the future is...
I have asked the Lord to break my heart with the things that breaks His… He answered myprayer… He broke my heart for the 147 million orphaned children in the world. He broke myheart for the lost, for those who do not yet know Jesus, for those who die and go to hell.It is a difficult thing to ask, it is a painful thing to receive… but is our God not worthy ofit? Are those that are suffering not worth...
The new year is bringing with it a big stack of paperwork, a long list of tasks to accomplish and a really full heart of hope. We are actively working to bring a child home this year. Maybe we will even get her here before we ring in 2014….who knows. It will be a big year, for sure. Many years I have prayed for, dreamed for, asked for a chance to adopt again….I can’t believe this is the year it...
So what does it look like for you to defend the cause of the fatherless in 2013? Perhaps you are waiting for your child. Maybe you’ve got the chairs around your table full, some adopted, some biological. Maybe you are considering, hoping, praying, thinking. Maybe you are in the midst of a fierce and difficult road with the child you’ve redeemed. Whatever it looks like… God is in the midst of it. Wherever He has you, there is a purpose in it. But whatever...
It’s New Year’s Resolution Time! What, I didn’t hear a puking noise in the background, did I? Are you a New Year’s Grinch? What’s that you say? No one every keeps New Year’s Resolutions anyway, so why make any? Oooh…no need to get sassy with me, it was just a suggestion! LOL Ok, so maybe you love them. Maybe you hate them. Either way, you can’t escape them this time of year. Here it is the 3rd of January. As I type this, it’s the first time...
The thought of my suffering and homelessness is bitter beyond words. I will never forget this awful time, as I grieve over my loss. Yet I still dare to hope when I remember this: The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease.Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning. I say to myself, “The Lord is my inheritance; therefore, I...
I have the fortunate position to be working for an adoption agency. I am so privileged to walk alongside families each day entering the process, waiting in the process, grieving in the process, or joyfully finally bringing home that child that they have longed to hold for months and sometimes years. I also have the immense privilege to walk along side birth mothers and sometimes fathers as they make the hardest decision they will ever make in placing their child...
Do you ever feel like you have forgotten to nourish your relationship with Christ? I mean, there has never been a day that I have or would say that I don’t believe in Christ or that I don’t desire to live that day working for Him and doing His work. Each day I wake knowing that He has a job for me and I strive daily to do that job. But sometimes I wake and find myself in a season...