I have been reading and thinking about Ezekiel chapter 47 for the last couple of months now. A book in the Bible mostly about Israel’s doom due to disobedience, it also shows a handful of scenes revealing God’s mercy and His extended hand of hope and healing. In this particular event, Ezekiel is brought to a flooded temple where water is flowing out through the door. Busted water pipe? Hot water heater explosion? Water that started at ankle depth gradually...
This picture was taken on Adoption Day (March 10), the day after Gotcha. I love this boy! My son! March 9th, a day beginning like the two before it: waking much too early because of jet lag, and missing the material goods in the luggage we hadn’t seen since checking it at Tulsa at 4:30 am Thursday, March 5. ...
To my sister as her wedding day approaches… From the time you were little you have seen the movies and heard the fairytales that promise the happily ever after. And today we are here to celebrate your happily ever after. We are so excited for you and this new chapter. “Happily Ever After” – those are interesting words. From the moment you say I do, you will be happy all the time. Your husband will never leave his socks on the...
“What are some ways you can care for orphans?” I asked my 5-year old twins today… “Give them clothes, give them food, pray every night for them. Pray for their mamas. Send them Christmas gifts. If I get five puppies, I won’t keep any of them but I’ll give them all to Congo and let the kids be happy with the puppies.” It seems to simple in the mind of a child: generosity, giving of ourselves and our things…and is it much...
my house is trashed ...
Although cell phones have been around a long time, I recently bought my first “real” cell phone. Being rather anti-technology, I only got it in order to be able to take pictures of our adopted daughter anytime, anywhere, and easily send them with text to Birthmom. I have been resistant to all the people who want to help me learn all there is to know and do this phone. I stubbornly just want to know how to take and send...
I missed my blog day this week. Not that you would know that, and maybe I didn’t need to reveal that, but this week has been one of more thinking, decisions and discernment. We are likely going to be seeing a change in our adoption plans coming and what a hard decision it is to make. Through the process of seeking and discerning for this second adoption, I have also had some new parts of the story revealed from our...
My thoughts today are not too profound, or heavy, or significant in regards to adoption. It seems to be on the back burner of my mind. We are a waiting family, with 2 placements in which the birthmoms changed their adoption plans, and 1 showing in which another family was a better match for the birth mom to choose. So, for us the reality of God giving us another precious child feels a little distant. We are okay as we...