My thoughts today are not too profound, or heavy, or significant in regards to adoption. It seems to be on the back burner of my mind. We are a waiting family, with 2 placements in which the birthmoms changed their adoption plans, and 1 showing in which another family was a better match for the birth mom to choose. So, for us the reality of God giving us another precious child feels a little distant. We are okay as we wait for His perfect timing. But if I am honest it seems so distant. The door to the nursery that was ready to do go in October stays closed, unless our oldest needs to get away from his sister to play alone.  Thoughts of preparing mine body to feed his infant are no longer pressing. But my ache for orphans, for children that need forever families, for the unborn baby that’s life is hanging by a choice of convenience or dignity of life,  remains strong. So today I will share a video that brought both my husband and I to tears about the beauty of God’s hand in adoption and the joy the struggle brings!

Click here to watch this short video