The most amazing gift we are given in Christ is living forever with Him. It seems the older I get the harder it is to have child-like faith “that knows that it knows” the unseen spiritual reality is as real as the flesh I can touch. I believe with all my heart that I will indeed meet my maker (John 12: 1-3) and He will make all things new, establishing His perfect Kingdom here on this Earth (Revelation 21:1-4). However,...
Emotions can be complicated! Especially when they start all mixing together. I have found with our son that he picked up on English, conversationally, within a few months of immersion. I have also found during the past years since then, that there is more to expressing yourself than just conversational language. The language of interpreting and articulating your emotions is much different and seemingly, takes years to become fluent in. Heck, I’m not sure I am fluent in expressing my feelings! Now throw in the mix a...
My families adoption journey has been my husband and mine’s decision that was birthed out of a love for God and the unwanted orphans of the world. We have chosen adoption over biological children because we feel that is what the Lord has asked of us and it is a gift we have joyfully received. However, many people are given this gift of adoption without it being their first choice. I wanted to share a short video testimony of a...
In the four years our family has been in the adoption process, we have prayed that the Lord would work in our children’s hearts to teach them about what it means to love others, to care for orphans, to welcome new siblings into our home. Adoption is a part of our daily life and, as our now-five-year-old twins were just 15 months old when we began the process, they truly have never known a time when we haven’t been preparing...
Our family is about to embark on a new chapter–or in some ways, it’s one chapter that is closing and another one beginning. Over four years after starting the adoption process, we are in the final months’ countdown to bring home our new son and daughter! The pieces of the story that I share with you readers are meant not only to provide some measure of education or insight into the international adoption realm, but also to encourage you. We have been through...
the bonding rules……broken. sh. ...
I have had a longing to grasp a bit more of what eternal life with God will be like. For at least a year now, I have had a nagging desire to “taste and see” what being forever with God will be like. About six months ago, during a prayer time, I felt the Lord tell me that I don’t have (this closeness, this understanding to things of eternal life) because I do not ask. I needed to be praying...
I have been blessed to be able to give birth to some of my children. Upon the birth of our oldest child, just moments after he came into this world and was placed in my arms, red and crying, I remember saying, “We have to do this again!” (Of course, I was not referring to labor and delivery.) Seeing this beautiful child for the first time, I realized that all it took to get to that point (labor and delivery)...
I read an adoption blog with an eye-catching title this week, “Why I Don’t Want More Kids.” Here’s an excerpt: What wrecks me is this: God doesn’t seem to be particularly interested in what I can handle. He seems to care more about what He can handle. Give it a read and see what you think. ...