We have the vantage point that the followers of Jesus did not have when He was crucified. We can see three days later. Hallelujah! Thank you, Jesus. Thank you for going through my Hell for me. I can never thank you enough. Let me never lose sight of Your immeasurable Love. "Oh death! Where is your sting? Oh hell! Where is your victory? Oh Church! Come stand in the light! Our God is not dead, He's...
We reserve Tuesdays to share stories from some of our grant recipients. May you be blessed by their stories…. More than a decade ago my wife, Cindy, was strongly cautioned by her doctors against getting pregnant because of medical reasons. Since this warning we have considered expanding our family through adoption and we...
We reserve Tuesdays to share stories from some of our grant recipients. May you be blessed by their stories…. April 19th marked the beginning of our family's journey to adopt a little girl with special needs from Ethiopia. Special needs were close to our heart after our second daughter was healed from a brain tumor in utero. We discovered the great number of orphans in Ethiopia through friends who were also adopting. In...
We reserve Tuesdays to share stories from some of our grant recipients. May you be blessed by their stories…. We had thought about adding to our family through adoption for the past few years, but we were never sure how we would be able to do it financially. We decided that maybe later on in life we would be ready adopt and we starting trying for our 2ndbiological child. After trying for quite a while we found out our...
We reserve Tuesdays to share stories from some of our grant recipients. May you be blessed by their stories…. We have been married four and a half years, have a two and a half year old daughter named Lara, are on the waitlist to be matched with a toddler from Uganda, and are also pregnant with our third child. Needless to say, life is about to get very busy for us,...
I almost forgot to write my post for today! Which is quite silly since I’ve been thinking about it for the past few days and had lots of good ideas. But ‘tis the season of my life to forget stuff it seems! Not that having 7 kids has anything to do with that. LOL!
Actually this week my fragmented brain has more to do with what happened on Tuesday. On Tuesday we put our cocker spaniel down.
We reserve Tuesdays to share stories from some of our grant recipients. May you be blessed by their stories…. It brings our hearts daily joy when we gather as a family and pray for our “new brothers,” to which our almost-two-year-old twins respond with enthusiasm “Congo!” To know and pray for by name the country in which our children are born is the culmination of years of a faith journey. It was not long after Stephen and...
I remember the moment I met her, just 9 months ago. She was the tiniest 3-year-old I had ever seen. When I held her, I even thought she might break. I silently wondered, “What happened to the healthy toddler from the referral picture?” Less than 5 minutes later, our facilitator shrieked, “Look, another one!” which meant, “Here’s your second daughter!” And as I reached for my new 1-year-old, I was completely unaware that my emotional ‘detachment’ with my tiny...
Elijah and the Widow 1 Kings 17:8-16 8 Then the word of the Lord came to him, saying, 9 “Arise, go to Zarephath, which belongs to Sidon, and dwell there. See, I have commanded a widow there to provide for you.” 10 So he arose and went to Zarephath. And when he came to the gate of the city, indeed a widow was there...