A friend recently posted on her blog that the Holy Spirit had been nagging her to write a particular statement. Resistant to confess this in writing, she explained how much of her life can be a contradiction to this statement. The emotional roller-coaster, the desperation for the Lord to work in their adoption process, the sense of ownership or control we long to have all kept her from confessing this statement with the conviction she so longed to have. Nonetheless,...
I read a research-based article today and the gist of it was that if a mom smokes while she is pregnant, her daughter responds with the stress hormone cortisol. It affects her development. It also predisposes her to become a smoker herself when she grows up. More than sons even, the daughters have a greater risk of becoming smokers if they were exposed prenatally. That is just so unfair. It’s hard-wired in her to have to struggle with this addiction...
I’ve missed about a month of posts that I was assigned to write. I do apologize. A few times I forgot, lost track of the week, etc….and more than once I knew it was my turn and I clicked on the “new post” words and then just watched the cursor pulsate awhile….if there is a version of writer’s block called” I can’t think of any thing positive to say and can’t bear to whine here”….then that’s what I’ve had for...
People often like to claim the secret to a happy life. I remember, years back, when the book “The Secret” came out. What a craze it was. It was a 2006 best seller! Somehow this one author had found THE key to happiness. All you had to do was buy the book, read it and happiness was yours! How ridiculous this sounds and yet people believe it and bought the book. ...