An important message on the great tensions of adoption: corruption vs. need, family preservation vs. placement , calculating risks vs. acting boldly. Let this challenge you today! t ...
I cannot remember a time in my life that I didn’t believe in adoption, advocate for it, strive for it, yearn for it. As far back as my self-awareness goes, it included a truth that adoption was a part of me. Who knows why, really…..I’m guessing when I was very small I learned what the word meant and God planted a seed deep within me to grow…… ...
Psalm 25: 12, 13 says this. “Who, then, is the man that fears the Lord? He will instruct him in the way chosen for him. He will spend his days in prosperity, and his descendants will inherit the land. ” I’m thinking alot about fathers, with Father’s Day coming this sunday. Earthly fathers, our Heavenly Father… who are not yet fathers……and of course adoptive fathers. Adoptive fathers are unique, because many of them (not all!) have a testimony that says...
I so appreciate Garet and Teresa Wyatt’s blog post June 9th titled “Roger”. It reminded me of the valuable things in life. It put back in focus that my job as a parent is not to raise a highly successful millionaire, or an all-star athlete, or even the greatest missionary of all time. What matters most is not the talents, skills, or abilities of my children but who or what they choose to worship and serve. And that is a choose...
Roger lives in our little town. He was born and raised here. Having recently had a birthday, I know he is seventy-something. I think almost everyone in our little town knows and appreciates Roger. He rides his bike around town in nice weather and stays home more often when it’s cold, unless someone can give him a ride. At times, we have been blessed to be able to do so. Not only is he considered the high school athletics programs’...
Remember the story of Peter at the mount of transfiguration? Overcome in the moment he offered to make shelters for Moses and Elijah. The author, Luke, said, He did not know what he was saying. I’m afraid that footnote has been added to my life several times too: She had no idea what she was doing. ...
Like many in the adoption process (and honestly, like all of us in most stages of our lives), we find ourselves waiting. On the surface, we have been waiting 8 months since we were match with our boys with little progress towards bringing them home from DR Congo. The wait is hard, the wait is long, and yet the wait teaches us. Most of my journey in the wait has been in asking questions: What does waiting look like? is it...
This week I attended a conference for lactation counselors/nurses/educators. It’s part of my job. It was a really good conference and there was a strong focus on neuroscience and the affects on mom/baby being together vs. separated at birth. Broken down to the chemical and cellular level, there are lasting changes that occur in development depending on which path a newborn takes, whether it is zero separation from mother, or not. As an adoptive mom of a kiddo who was...