My 12 year old son suddenly said to me recently while we were making cookies together, “Mom, I am starting to believe that God does put us in places where He wants us to reach out to certain people” … my mommy heart skipped a beat as I took in those sweet words of a growing faith that I pray for and hope to hear. My son has struggled for two years with a particular child in school. This boy...
I used to wonder, and dread, and worry that God might ask me to do something….you know….hard. I wondered what I would do if He asked me to dance. In public. In worship. Would I ignore the Voice, the request? Would I convince myself I heard differently? Would I stand in my row of people singing and have an arguement in my head with the Holy Spirit? Would I dance? What if God asked me to build an ark? In a...
In honor of National Adoption Awareness, I’m sharing this video we made a while back…2 children ago, in fact. ...
Our ten year-old came home from school recently and said, “Mom! The skating rink is opening this weekend. Can we call friends and invite them to go?” “Sure,” I answered. “Can they come home on the bus with us after school?” she asked. “Ok,” I replied. “Can we go out for pizza after skating?” she said. “Good idea,” I answered. “Can we have a sleepover too? We could bring them home in the morning?” she begged. “Sorry!” I replied. “We are busy on Saturday. We’ll bring them home...
Sow for yourselves righteousness, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is TIME TO SEEK THE LORD, until he comes and showers righteousness on you. Hosea 10:12 Is the hard ground of my heart plowed, broken up, and made ready for when He comes to move in my life? Will the soil be seeded with my obedience and devotion when He sends His showers? I can easily spend my whole life satisfied with the hard ground of my selfish heart, seeking...
On the eve of Thanksgiving, I am sipping egg nog. It’s not really cold enough, but I’m in the mood. As we drove home from church tonight, after our Thanksgiving service, we zig-zagged around and looked at houses that already had lights up. Its fresh and fun and suprising every year, thanks to my children. My hubby is still working on mine….I’d say they are half-strung. He says he needs to go to the store for more parts….. Going to church...
I must admit something: when I realized it was my day to post on the blog, I wondered what I would write about. Usually, I reflect upon something the Lord has been teaching me recently or a spiritual insight from a friend or church that I’ve recently heard. I paused to think– over the past two weeks when my family has been packing our house to move (for the 5th time in a year and a half thanks to April...
This past week, I have been watchful, listening and attentive to anything God might say about our plans to adopt. We have embarked upon an impossible, unaffordable adoption. It really, really looks like there is no way we can get this particular child out of this place, and be referred as her adoptive family. I’ve been asking God for a clear direction on this. I’ve prayed and waited and praised and listened….there are many reasons that God doesn’t give us...
I’m staring at a pulsing cursor….rolling over all of the many things I could write. I could write about my favorite orphanage in India. I could write about their pressing needs to pay for school fees, and surgeries. I could write about how exciting it is to learn of families starting an adoption process….I could write about how we filled a box for Operation Christmas Child and we chose things we would like for the little girl we are hoping...