1 Kings 17: 8-16 8 Then the word of the Lord came to him, saying, 9 “Arise, go to Zarephath, which belongs to Sidon, and dwell there. See, I have commanded a widow there to provide for you.” 10 So he arose and went to Zarephath. And when he came to the gate of the city, indeed a widow was there gathering sticks. And he called to...
My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. John 1:27 Do I listen to His voice? Do I spend enough time alone communing with Him to recognize the whispers He speaks into my heart? I want to be a John 1:27 follower. But that takes more than just a desire, it takes time and commitment. ...
I have a funny 3 year old boy story for you. I share it because it reminded me of something important about parenting have a cross tattoo on the inside of my left wrist. My little boy, Hudson, was coloring with markers and starting coloring on this wrist. I ask him to stop and color on the paper and he said, “ no mommy I am talking to God. Why can’t I hear him mommy?” I quickly remember the week before...
My son is, to say the least, strong willed. He packs more independence, spunk and spirit into his little 3 year old 28 pound body than the most determined teenager I have ever met. As one of my two biological children (his twin sister is shockingly compliant), I fully believe that the Lord has carefully built our family so that we each learn from each other. ...
Last week I was sad because of an adoption miscarriage….this week God led us to a crazy opportunity to do temporary foster care for a baby who needed a safe place for awhile. No one should assume the Christian road is boring. We happened to be at the right place, in the right time to step up and offer to take this child….and if we had not been rejected by the process we had started, we would not have seen...
“Can you call Mrs. K and tell her to keep Shega in for recess?” joked Steve after a particularly rough night at our house. Shega was in first grade. Home from Ethiopia for about a year, she was struggling both academically and emotionally in first grade. We received several calls and emails from both her teacher and her principal about behavior concerns that year. ...
So, a week ago was Mother’s Day. It was a tough day for me this year. Not sure why, haven’t even really nailed that down yet. I was just in a “funk” all day long. My husband and I always joke about “hallmark holidays” and I have to admit for us, Mother’s and Father’s day kind of fall into that category. Of course it is nice to be recognized and all that jazz, but really, being mommy and daddy is...
Isn’t adoption hard? It really is. The idea of it is inspiring, convicting, and exciting. Planning to add a child to the home, picturing them around the table and in the car and posing for the family picture. That’s all really sweet stuff. I know. We’ve done it before. Last time we adopted I was longing for our child, with an urgency and fierce suspense….and when she came and we settled in I remember thinking, “I liked the adoption process....