Last week I was sad because of an adoption miscarriage….this week God led us to a crazy opportunity to do temporary foster care for a baby who needed a safe place for awhile.  No one should assume the Christian road is boring.  We happened to be at the right place, in the right time to step up and offer to take this child….and if we had not been rejected by the process we had started, we would not have seen this as a possibility.  With God….it seems that timing is everything, and so is a willing heart that is unselfish.  


We don’t know how long we will have this little one….and its alot of work to have this child crash in on us rather unexpectedly yesterday…but we are sorting it out, hour by hour.  My house will not get cleaned, and I may or may not manage to cook something everyday….but a wee one is getting some family time with us and we are going to savor it.  


Last night, I had this new child, and our youngest adopted daughter in bed with us….at 1am, and 4, and 6…..and I marvelled at their sweet faces and how rare it was to be able to sit in a quiet, peaceful bed and hold them both.  Children who were born to another set of parents, who found their way to us….amazing.