
13 Feb

Orphan care

After learning about this great little book from Sheila De Jong (President of Katelyn’s Fund) I ordered it and read it in just one sitting.  The little book called, Becoming Home: Adoption, Foster care, and mentoring- Living out God’s heart for Orphans By Jedd Medefind is a necessary read. I believe the messages of this book is necessary for Christians everywhere because it brings to light the need for orphan care. “Every Christian community is called to embody pure religion that includes...

11 Feb

Testimony Tuesday

 We would like to share the stories of some of our grant recipients.  Enjoy and be encouraged as you hear their stories.   ...

10 Feb

Grab our Website Button!

Many of our Katelyn’s Fund Family have blogs or websites about their adoption journeys.   We would love for you to add our Katelyn’s Fund Website Button to your blog or website to help other adoption families find our site! ...

07 Feb


Our family is in the “waiting” part of our adoption process – waiting to be matched with our daughter in China.  So, while we wait, I’ve been reading up on Chinese culture.  Admittedly, I’m a jewelry girl – so when “pearls” popped up during my research – my curiosity spiked!  I browsed through countless sights with fun facts about pearls and their history; but it was when I began reading how a pearl is intricately formed that I became captivated....

06 Feb

Shut it Down!

I have been disillusioned.  Of course I’m still an adoption and orphan advocate.  Our family was shaped by the hand of God through adoption and I am grateful.  Plus, the Bible is clear,   James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.     But all the sin, all the corruption, it just makes me sick.  ...

04 Feb

Testimony Tuesday

We would like to share the stories of some of our grant recipients.  Enjoy and be encouraged as you hear their stories.   ...

03 Feb

The Ride

I wanted to share a bit from our personal adoption blog.  I had written awhile ago about the ride of adoption and how I often equate it to riding a roller coaster ...

31 Jan

Wrestling with an Angel

All of our ten kids have needs that are special, but two of them also have what most people term “special needs”.  Having adopted these two as older kids, we had lots to learn about meeting their specific needs both medically as well as all the other challenges that come with adopting.  I had to deal with my own frustration as life slowed down and priorities were reevaluated. ...

29 Jan

sufficiency-in-spite-of insufficiency-by-the-grace-of- God

2 Corinthians 3:4- 6 “Such confidence we have through Christ before God. Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God. He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant” This scripture is powerful! This truth is transformational when it is grasped! ...

28 Jan

Testimony Tuesday

We would like to share the stories of some of our grant recipients.  Enjoy and be encouraged as you hear their stories.   ...