We would like to share the stories of some of our grant recipients. Enjoy and be encouraged as you hear their stories.

adoption and during the service I had tears running down my face. I was so moved; this had never happened to me, the Lord was really speaking. After the service, my husband (he had felt the same) and I looked at each other and knew this was God’s plan for us to expand our family. It was scary starting the adoption process. We didn’t have any money saved up and wasn’t sure how we were going to afford this. We were asked to not worry about the money and that God will provide. And he has! We have been so blessed that so far each bill has been paid by miraculous ways. Katelyn’s Fund was one of those miracles for us. We were feeling very discouraged from getting denial letters from other grants. So we are so grateful for having Katelyn’s Fund and the help that they could provide for us. It came at a time when we needed it most to pay a large bill for the adoption. The interview process was wonderful, the staff at Katelyn’s Fund was so caring. They did a prayer circle for us, and when we left the interview we felt so special and uplifted, no one has ever prayed for us like that, it was amazing! Our little boy Finn is just waiting for us in China. We haven’t even met him yet and we love him so much and I can’t even begin to tell you how he has already changed our lives for the better and how he has strengthened our relationship with God.