
28 Aug

a quiet epiphony on a monday….in the midst of a storm.

This week, Precious Maryn, now 5 years old, got to start school.  Transitional Kindergarden…..a really big step for her because it is the school she has seen her older siblings come to, and riding the bus, and all of that.  Open house was Monday and school started Tuesday.   ...

26 Aug

School begins again!

We sent our three off to school again last week. Our youngest two joined our family through adoption. We are a transracial family and therefore quite visibly an adoptive family. Our girls, ages 12 and 8, are quite used to the adoption questions people ask. It helps to rehearse some of those questions and possible answers you might give. We try to teach the girls to keep it light. When in doubt, they should answer, “Why do you ask?” that...

22 Aug


I am struck tonight by the joy that God brings into our lives.  So often we have no idea where things are headed and we continue on day to day doing what He asks of us and then we have these moments where we just experience joy.  I am so thankful for those moments of joy.  Sometimes months of hard work are followed by small moments of joy …. But what a welcome thing those moments of joy are.

22 Aug

past, present, future

past, present, future Precious turned five yesterday.  I took a few photos with the camera and more with my phone….but the phone ones are harder to post.  She got fun gifts, mostly barbies and girl lego stuff….and money….and some clothes which she loves.   ...

17 Aug

True Vine

Warning: this is not a light-hearted post. The last two weeks have been some of the most intense and chaotic weeks of my life. While I won’t share details for our boys’ protection, we have ridden every roller coaster of emotion, fear, worry, uncertainty, and any other unsettling thought you can insert. ...

11 Aug


Words are powerful.  They can build up and tear down. God often calls us Beloved.  When I read I am God’s beloved, with that one word, I am amazed and humbled. ...

07 Aug


Yankee Doodle went to town Riding on her pony Stuck a feather in her cap And called it macaroni!   Ok, so why would anyone call a feather..macaroni?  This children’s rhyme has been going through my head all morning.  Today I’m convinced Yankee Doodle must have been a mother who had spent SO much time with her children she HAD to go to town BY HERSELF and do something silly.  Like put a feather in her cap and call it macaroni!  ...

06 Aug

Trusting in the Right Now

Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow.  God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.  Matthew 6:35 MSG ...

04 Aug

A New Path

Sometimes on this journey of adoption you come to a place where you realize that you have a choice to make.  ...

30 Jul

Be faithful to the day

I just came off a week anniversary trip to the mountains of Montana with just my husband and Jesus 🙂 No kiddos, no house project distractions, no ministry, just time to sit in the Word, run in God’s creation and laugh with the teammate God has given me for life (Brian). It was incredible! What struck me most in my reflection time over those 7 days was the beauty of the simultaneous simplicity and complexity of the Gospel! Let me unpack...