I just came off a week anniversary trip to the mountains of Montana with just my husband and Jesus 🙂 No kiddos, no house project distractions, no ministry, just time to sit in the Word, run in God’s creation and laugh with the teammate God has given me for life (Brian). It was incredible! What struck me most in my reflection time over those 7 days was the beauty of the simultaneous simplicity and complexity of the Gospel!

Let me unpack my thoughts briefly.

The Gospel message calls us to give our all to Christ (Luke 9:23) , it calls us to go to the World with His Gospel (Matt. 28:18), it calls us into the family of God (Eph. 1:5), it calls us to live a life of holiness and righteousness (John 14:15)  amongst other amazing callings. It is the grandest most impossible call we could ever have!

And yet at the very same time, while not compromising the complexity of our call, it is simple. Jesus calls us to simply- follow Him. To be faithful to Him each moment. To live in the power of His Holy Spirit (Eph 5:18) . He tells us that apart of Him we can do nothing (1 Thes. 5:24). That He is more concerned about our hearts for Him then He is about the ministry we do. 

I rejoice in these truths because without the high standards, the complex mission, the adoption into God’s family, my God would appear weak and unworthy. I rejoice that I am nothing and that Jesus simply asks me to humble myself before Him. To live a life of confession and surrender.  If He did not boil down His complex Truths to this I would be immobilized by the weight of my calling.

This World, our country, the children orphaned and being killed in the womb can be overwhelming to think about, or even to pray about.  Yet, as a child of God, an ambassador of the King, I can reflect on these things and lay them at His feet knowing that He is working His plan of redemption for this fallen broken world. I can be faithful to Him and make myself available for His Kingdom work.