
28 Nov


It’s a well known fact that I (and my husband!) can talk adoption all day long, but what do our bio kids have to say about it?  You might be able to tell how much they love their siblings by the way they care for them, play with them and communicate with them.  But when one of them told me his Comp I instructor allowed him to choose a topic for his paper, and wrote about adoption, it touched my...

23 Nov

Someone was Wrong on the Internet

Most of you have seen the internet meme “Someone was Wrong on the Internet”  and I am guessing that many of you can relate.   Parenting transracially has changed my perspective on many things. In the past, I might note casual racism in my environment, but I wouldn’t say anything for fear of losing friends, alienating people, or just causing a ruckus. I am not a person who is drawn to conflict and I really don’t like confrontation at all.   Last...

13 Nov

Diversity part 2

Last time I blogged I reflected on diversity and what it looks like for me to become more proficient in this area especially as it has relates to my growing trans-racial family.  After attending the Lenses Institute last week I have even more thoughts on how I can grow to be more aware of cultures different from mine (and this is not just racial different, but different in class, worldview, generations, etc.) I was challenge to embrace the Gospel more fully,...

07 Nov

He Himself is Our Peace

The baby was up six times last night.  Suzy slept with gum in her mouth, which fell out and smashed into her hair.  Billy’s running a fever, Joey will. not. hustle this morning and why are his tennis shoes ALL WET?  The dog brought a baby bunny into the garage  and  I saw my coffee mug roll off the roof of the car as I left the driveway….I really wanted that coffee.   Oh, dear mamas, this is pick any day of...

06 Nov

Nobody in This Family Understands Me!

“Nobody in this family understands me!!”   Oh how I dread hearing those words. Why? Because in some ways they are true.   They were  said by my 9 year old daughter, who happens to be adopted. She was adopted from Ethiopia at age 3. She’s right, with the exception of her older adopted sister and brother, there are some things the rest of us just don’t get. There are things that I can empathize with, that I can try my best to understand, but...

30 Oct


I am preparing to head to a diversity experience/conference this coming week.  I leave tomorrow for Lenses Institute. This is a required training experience for all staff members with Athletes in Action. I am grateful for the 6 days to pull away from daily life and reflect on my heart towards people that are different from me.  I realize that just because I have an adoptive daughter whose race is different from mine it does not cleanse me from all...