
14 Jul

A new chapter…

Our family is about to embark on a new chapter–or in some ways, it’s one chapter that is closing and another one beginning. Over four years after starting the adoption process, we are in the final months’ countdown to bring home our new son and daughter!   The pieces of the story that I share with you readers are meant not only to provide some measure of education or insight into the international adoption realm, but also to encourage you. We have been through...

09 Jul


I have had a longing to grasp a bit more of what eternal life with God will be like. For at least a year now, I have had a nagging desire to “taste and see” what being forever with God will be like.  About six months ago, during a prayer time, I felt the Lord tell me that I don’t have (this closeness, this understanding to things of eternal life) because I do not ask. I needed to be praying...

07 Jul

Labor and Delivery

I have been blessed to be able to give birth to some of my children. Upon the birth of our oldest child, just moments after he came into this world and was placed in my arms, red and crying, I remember saying, “We have to do this again!” (Of course, I was not referring to labor and delivery.)  Seeing this beautiful child for the first time, I realized that all it took to get to that point (labor and delivery)...

03 Jul

A Good Read

I read an adoption blog with an eye-catching title this week, “Why I Don’t Want More Kids.”  Here’s an excerpt: What wrecks me is this: God doesn’t seem to be particularly interested in what I can handle. He seems to care more about what He can handle.     Give it a read and see what you think.     ...

26 Jun

Back to the Beginning

The things that swirl around in my head.  Some make it here, but these days most never do.  There just isn’t time.  Or they just don’t seem that important.  Or maybe I lose clarity between thoughts and words.  But this one thing is real.  It’s been a struggle.  Maybe you’re with me.  Maybe you’re not.  Maybe you know someone who is. As my friends, far and near, post awesome pictures of fun activities, vacations, and even their daily happenings, it causes...

09 Jun

This is the Way, Walk in it

Two of our children have special needs which makes walking more challenging for them than for most people.  Therefore, as a family we have learned to walk slower, watching out for uneven ground and steps up or down, reminding these two to watch how and where they are walking so no one falls.  Sometimes when I am out running errands without either of these two present, I still find myself walking unusually slow, out of habit. I also find myself doing...

05 Jun

On The Hard Days

Some days are harder than others.  Some days take more energy than I have– more love and kindness than I can muster.  Some days require me to dig deep, not into my inner strength (because I would find a very shallow well) but to dig deep into the One who offers living water that never runs dry. Some of my kids have come from hard places.  The enemy has been after them from the start. You know, our old adversary, the...

02 Jun

Good-Byes Are Hard!

It has been a hard week. Our precious girl is graduating from Kindergarten and will be entering 1st grade next year. She is so smart and I know God has big plans for her. This week has been hard because she will be leaving to go to a new school next year. ...

18 May


I can be so distracted.  Wondering what will happen, waiting for God’s answers to my prayers. ...