
11 Feb


Matthew 6:21 says:  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.  This is a familiar verse and many great sermons have been preached on it.  I agree with this wisdom from the Lord completely.  The prior words warn against storing up treasures on earth……and the ones that come after verse 21 gives more great advice about keeping the eyes healthy, and being light in the darkness.  Again…..yes and amen.  These are such great challenges from Jesus to...

07 Feb

Testimony Tuesday

Kevin and Cherad Cloran family Children: Rachel (3), Natalie (5), Avery (7), and Audrey (9,) Joey (2, just adopted from China) Church: Bedrock Community Church, Bedford, Virginia Our decision to adopt began before we even got married, over 13 years ago! We met in college and dated for 3.5 years before getting married in 2003. Before marriage, we quickly realized we shared a desire to adopt a child one day. Cherad’s love for adoption began on a mission trip to India...

06 Feb


I am leaving this week for a much anticipated mission trip to Honduras with my sixteen year old son. I am excited to spend time with him … much sought after time alone with one child when time is usually split between four kiddos.  I can’t wait to work along-side him and hopefully have time to talk about life. He will be leaving all too soon for college and these moments feel like they are slipping away.   In the days and...

04 Feb

a story of sleep

I want to tell a story about sleep…..or the lack there-of.  I have always slept well.  Always.  I lay down in bed…..and usually I wake up and it is morning with a few exceptions.  Early in my marriage, I was working as a hospital RN and when it was my turn to be on-call, I would sometimes get called in to work in the night.  No one wanted to call me in because I was so grumpy when I was...

02 Feb

hard news

This week I discovered some very tragic news about my Daughter’s birth mom. My daughter is only 5 yrs old and though she knows the name and bits and pieces of her birth mom’s story she is still too young for me to share this news. So, I wrote her a letter that will help me when the day comes to tell her of this tragic news. I have shared my letter below. I am grateful for the little things I...

31 Jan

Teaching Tuesdays

There are many adoption agencies, and it is sometimes difficult to determine whether an agency employs qualified professionals and uses ethical adoption practices. ...

30 Jan

Foster Care

I’m sure you’ve heard people say sentiments like, “I would love to do foster care but I get too attached.”  Or maybe, “I wouldn’t be able to do that, it’s just too hard to see the children taken back into bad situations.”  I love the perspective the article below gives–maybe the hardest things are the things we are called to do. Even in the very hardest of days, foster care is the right thing to do. It isn’t right because the...

24 Jan

Testimony Tuesday

Michael and Signe Carlson family Children: Esther (21 months), Daniel (21 days – in process of adopting) Church: Chrio Communities, Mesa, AZ We always knew we wanted to be parents. The blessing and sacred responsibility of raising children was something that excited us long before we met. So when we began to struggle with infertility early in our marriage, it was a painful burden. But God has a way of taking what’s broken and making it beautiful. ...

23 Jan

Do your kids need a COC?

We have been home with our sweet Ethiopian daughters for ten years. Our oldest is fourteen and eager to drive. She had been taking those Department of Transportation (DOT) practice tests online for weeks before she was brave enough to go to the DOT and take her driver’s permit test. ...

21 Jan

as we journey together…..

Tonight my husband and I were at his company Christmas party.  They always do it in January after the holiday craziness subsides.  I do not know very many of his co-workers or their spouses.  We had dinner and then there was bowling.  I don’t love bowling.  In my mind, bowling is only fun if you are good at it……and I don’t bowl often.  As we all moved from the eating area to the bowling lanes I started grumbling about maybe...