Michael and Signe Carlson family

Children: Esther (21 months), Daniel (21 days – in process of adopting)

Church: Chrio Communities, Mesa, AZ

We always knew we wanted to be parents. The blessing and sacred responsibility of raising children was something that excited us long before we met. So when we began to struggle with infertility early in our marriage, it was a painful burden. But God has a way of taking what’s broken and making it beautiful. A deep excitement for adoption began to grow in our hearts, so after a lot of paperwork, many meetings, much fundraising, and even more praying, we took our first child – a beautiful, healthy, baby girl – home from the hospital. Esther continues to this day to be an endless source of joy and gratitude. But even as we were in the midst of our first adoption, we knew we had the desire to adopt again. So earlier this year we began the process a second time. Since we had just been through it, we knew how difficult and uncertain fundraising can be. Would we be able to raise the needed funds again? What if we came up short? Despite the anxiety these questions caused, we decided together that we would trust God to provide what we needed. We knew that God’s always been a big fan of adoption. Plus, he had provided everything we needed the first time. We had every reason to trust that he would provide again. And he did, beyond what we could’ve asked. The support we received through Katelyn’s Fund was such clear evidence of God’s grace and helped us take our second child – Daniel, a healthy, baby boy – home from the hospital in September. These days we find ourselves overjoyed, under-rested, and filled with gratitude for God’s abundant provision. Thank you Katelyn’s Fund for playing such an important role in our journey!

