February 9, 2023 – Darcie Van Voorst,  “Just breathe…”

As caregivers of adopted and foster children, we must be mindful of our own health needs so that we can be equipped to care for our kids. Darcie Van Voorst, who specializes in body based therapy, shared strategies to help us regulate our nervous system.  These strategies can have a healing impact on our mental, emotional, and physical health.  In the near future, Katelyn’s Fund will be releasing a series of videos by Van Voorst highlighting some of the strategies (breathing activities, heart hug, creating a circuit, progressive relaxation, therapeutic yoga) she shared with us tonight.  Van Voorst also emphasized the positive impact that Omega-3, probiotics, vitamins, movement and bright light therapy (10,000 lux) can have on our health.

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The organizations/speakers/businesses are sharing from their own personal experience(s).  Katelyn’s Fund doesn’t directly endorse any of them.

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