2024 Trusting the Lord

Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, lean not on your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths”.

Each year we listen and ask the Lord, how we can we know Him more deeply and what promises does He seek for us to lean into. Since last fall, I have been hearing the Lord ask, am I enough for you…..do you trust Me?

His word is filled in so many places with verses about trust, stories of those in crushing, unprecedented situations, where the only way forward was to trust in Him (a few examples: Daniel, Red Sea parting, Esther, Gideon, Elijah/prophets of Baal, Moses, so many more examples) It is awesome for us to read these verses and stories, to see Him work in ways that only He is able and yet harder when we feel we are still waiting, still working through things, still praying, and feeling so pressed. It is easy when things are going well to say we put out trust in Him, to feel His embrace and see His goodness, it is harder in the valleys, in the dry places, in the seasons of waiting in prayer for His promises to unfold.

He asks for us to Trust Him with all of our heart, to submit to Him, meaning to surrender, to acknowledge Him and He will direct our paths. He will make a way. We have a limited view of things, so He says, “lean not on your own understanding” but look to Me, let Me, rest in Me, and I will make a straight road for you. I have been asking Him to give an abundance of grace in letting go and having a fully surrendered heart, that He will increase trust in who He is and what He sees beyond what we see and all that He is capable of doing, just as He worked in unpreceded ways in the Bible, He is still working.

My prayer for us as a ministry, for families, for our beloved ones in Haiti, and children all over the nations, that we would not only know Him more, that we would trust Him more. In all seasons and circumstances, in times of great rejoicing, and in deep valleys, all the time, knowing He is the same, right beside us, ahead of us, our rearguard. I am so thankful that He doesn’t hold it against us when we try and work things out on our own, but He also invites us to lay these things down before Him, letting Him lead and work things out, in better ways. This is hard, it takes courage, and it is a choice on our part, to say, it is not on “my own” but it is “in Him”.

May it be a year of growing deep roots of trust in Him, cutting out things we are holding on to, those certain things we have not fully surrendered or we don’t understand, but instead letting Him show us that He is trustworthy, He is enough. He is working for our good, even when we do not yet see it. We praise Him for the ways He shows us He is working and we hold out hope for the things we do not yet see, trusting He is working, making a way.

We are going to continue to seek understanding and pray through these verses this year – may we know and trust Him more deeply, with full undivided hearts, seeking and surrendering everything to Him and trusting He is more than enough.