
Image of people holding hands with the text Sioux Falls Support, Created for Connection with Mary Weber, MS, LPC, LMFT
30 Sep

Created for Connection

Connection is the energy that is created between people when they feel seen, heard and valued – when they can give and receive without judgementBrene Brown We all need connection. It really is that simple. There’s no way around it, no way to fight it, no way to let go ignored. We were created by a loving and gracious Father not to do life alone. Yet, as easy as it is to admit this might be true, it is not near...

Image of a chalk board with the text Sioux Center Support, Navigating the School System with Grand Willits
25 Sep

Navigating the School System

It’s not easy, and you’re not alone. That’s the first thing you should know. Our children from hard places need guidance to survive and thrive in the school setting. And unfortunately, it’s not something many people outside of the foster care and adoption community understand. Until you’re living it, it’s hard to see the effects schooling can have on kids who have experienced trauma. Grant Willits, our local school counselor and former classroom teacher, joined us for our first support meeting to share...

07 Nov

Bryan Post Video

This clip from Bryan Post at The Post Institute is an excellent reminder of how we need to be aware of our own triggers and emotional state before trying to help our children’s mindfulness and regulation. It is a great taste of the teaching Mary Weber did in September for our Sioux Falls Katelyn’s Fund families. Click here to watch the video ...

12 Mar


My almost 8-year-old son never wants to pray out loud with me at bedtime. I know enough not to make it a big deal or make him go through the motions if his heart is not in it. But, it still bugs me that he is not interested in talking to God with me.   Tonight I took him with me to a high school FCA event I was speaking at (out of convenience mostly but with the hope he would enjoy...

01 Dec

Open Handed

It has been too long since I have written a blog post (due to me forgetting to post when I am scheduled!) and I had every intention to post yesterday when I was scheduled! Ahh but life happens and my days are full, in the best way, with 3 small children, college athletes that need to hear the Gospel, a staff team that needs care, and neighbors and a church community to invest in.   As I slow down and sit to...

28 Oct


In the last little while, some of my teen kids have said things like this:  Can you imagine what life would be like if we hadn’t adopted…….if we had stopped with….(insert name).  My teens are living interesting lives.  More time away from home and with friends, focusing on leaving the nest rather than living in the nest, etc.  Tonight it came up again.  Our number 4 has significant ADHD and life with her is like living in a tornado.  All...

19 Oct

The Truth About Why Adoptive Parents Need Support

“How do meals help families returning home from adopting a new child?”  One of my friends came to visit us after we had returned home from Thailand with our daughter and asked this sincere question.  It’s true, I think most people don’t fully understand the stress that an adjustment period brings when a new child is added to a family through adoption.  Most can identify with bringing home a new infant and how much work and weary that can be;...

30 Sep

Grace when it is hard.

My sweet husband and I were able to leave town overnight yesterday.  My mom could help, and one kiddo had a birthday party sleepover….the older kids all had plans.  We left town shortly after lunch time yesterday and were home by 4pm today.  In theory, this is a manageable thing.  In reality….we managed.  The kids did great.   They had fun on their sleep-overs.  They behaved great….until we all got home.  My husband and I had a blast.  We laughed, we held...

23 Sep


In adoption, Grace can mean so many things.  Grace to accept prayers as a family waits.  Grace to ask for prayer when a family struggles.  Grace to know when we need bigger help…….Grace to say that even when it is hard, it can also be right. We need grace to wrestle with whether to start the journey again, when to lay it down, when to set it aside.  We need grace to walk with other families on the hard journey of...