Adoption Reflections

06 Jun

Little Children

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the...

29 May


I have a funny 3 year old boy story for you. I share it because it...

26 May

Loving in spite

My son is, to say the least, strong willed. He packs more independence, spunk and spirit...

24 May

God’s timing

Last week I was sad because of an adoption miscarriage….this week God led us to a...

22 May


I’m currently doing an on-line Bible study over Timothy Keller’s book, The Reason for God. The title...

20 May


“Can you call Mrs. K and tell her to keep Shega in for recess?” joked Steve...

15 May

adoption storms

Isn’t adoption hard?  It really is.  The idea of it is inspiring, convicting, and exciting.  Planning...