On Tuesdays, we take time to focus on some of our families that have received grants from Katelyn's Fund. May you be blessed by their stories….. In February, we felt led to move forward with the adoption process and couldn’t wait to get started! We had been talking about and praying about adoption for a few years. After much prayer, our pastor’s preaching, Katelyn’s Fund speakers, and some key nudges from God, we stepped out in faith knowing that...
I am an avid book lover and reader – that is a "Bibliophile" for you that like big words!!! So I read a lot – and I enjoy many different types of books. BUT this one hooked me and has given me food to mull around in my mind for days – even after I have finished. It is the story of Katie Davis and her choice to move to Uganda after high school – leave her family, her...
These paragraphs really hit the nail on the head. From my own personal experience and talking with other adoptive families, I know the church can really make a difference the first few weeks home with a new child. Exerpt from the book, Orphanology byTony Merida and Rick Morton, pg. 123: Once a family brings a child home, the church has a whole host of opportunities for ministry. One great way that we the church can help is to step in...
The change of seasons brings new colors, but the cool temperatures also bring the end of life to many once beautiful plants. They will soon wither and turn brown. But a miraculous thing happens to some plants. In dying, they produce seed, and next spring there will be new life, multiplied!
Orphan Sunday began in a small Zambian church some years ago when a pastor called the people in his congregation to care for the orphans in their community. By the end of the church service, people (who were also in great need) stepped forward to put their own shoes on the altar before leaving the church that day. Bold gestures such as those ignited a passion around...
(reposted from my blog October 13, 2010) One of my devotions had this title today, and it really got me to thinking about 'impossible.' When I finally came to know Christ at 36, I was either too ignorant to know better, too stubborn to conform, or maybe just too ready to be ignited for change… but for some reason I haven't been afraid to ask God for the hard stuff. Even the 'impossible'...
I assume that many people who look at this blog have been asked to financially support adoption either through giving to ministries like Katelyn’s Fund or through individuals asking for your support. I thought about this issue during a “money sermon” at my church yesterday. Our pastor encouraged us through Scripture to let God’s grace towards us motive us to give rather than giving out of a sense of duty. One verse he covered...
Well this will probably be my last blog post, at least for a while, as my family and I are trying to move overseas (hopefully) in the near future. And, as I sign off of being a part of Katelyn’s Fund’s blog team, I end with a wish. My prayer and my plea is that more people will adopt. Why do I end with this request? Because I have been to Ethiopia...