
12 Apr

Support Meeting 04.07.22

We were honored to have Darcie Van Voorst speak to us about our body’s reaction to trauma. She spoke specifically about cortisol and the impact it has on our body. She encouraged us to “Name it to Tame it” and then “feel it to heal it.” Name your emotion, feel it, and then begin your journey toward healing. Pictured are some great resources that Darcie recommends as well as her notes from the evening. KF...

30 Mar

Support Meeting 03.10.22

On March 10, 2022 the Katelyn’s Fund Support Group heard from Dana Visser, an occupational therapist from Sioux Center Health.  They discussed the power of sensory input in their children’s lives.  They also assembled a Take-A-Break Kit for times when de-escalating is needed (see images below for reference). Feel free to watch the zoom recording HERE. The organizations/speakers/businesses are sharing from their own personal experience(s).  Katelyn’s Fund doesn’t directly endorse any of them. Reminder – Next support meeting will be help on...

25 Jan


Last night I had one of those nights where sleep was a mysterious concept to me. I don’t have them very often but as of late I have encountered a few. With my feet dragging across the floor I fumbled for my phone and turned on some worship music and in went my headphones.  As I sat there the tears began to soak my cheeks at the simple reminder that God is still who He says He is. And as...

21 Jan

Support Meeting Minutes 01.13.22

At the January Katelyn’s Fund Support meeting, individuals directly connected with international adoption, Foster Care, and Safe Families shared personal experiences and knowledge about how to get involved if you are feeling led into one of these three areas of care.  According to Nicole Van Ginkle, Social Worker with Holt International, international adoptions have decreased in number over the past few years but continues to be an avenue for individuals who would like to adopt. The adoption...

11 Jan

Block by Block Campaign

Katelyn’s Fund and One Vision Orphanage is in need of expanding its secondary Christian school in Haiti.  Katelyn’s Fund’s deepest desire for One Vision is to share the love and hope of Jesus with all kids, those at the orphanage along with local community kids.  Your partnership will help us build additional classrooms that will create a space for the kids entering into the upper grades, provide school supplies and curriculum, and expand for trade skill training all while spreading...

18 Nov

Orphan Sunday 2021

THANK YOU!! Wow! What a day! They Holy Spirit was present and moving yesterday at Katelyn’s Fund Orphan Sunday! 1. Thank you to Clayton & Connie Johnson and family for blessing us with your presence and your testimony. It was moving and inspiring! Thank you for your honesty and willingness to answer questions and share who Jesus is to you and how you have seen Him move in your family. 2. Thank you to all the beautiful families that came yesterday to join...

Race. Reconciliation. Relationships. Redemption.
06 Jul

Race. Reconciliation. Relationships. Redemption.

“As we sit in this place of grief, our hearts cry out to Him and the promises He makes. He tells us that He is able to immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine, that He is close to the broken hearted, and that we are to learn to seek justice and care for the least of these. “FROM SHEILA DEJONG AND THE KATELYN’S FUND BOARD Race. Reconciliation. Relationships. Redemption. Words are important, words matter, they can build or destruct, and sometimes...

Adoption Stories: Tammy Zevenbergen
29 Jun

Adoption Stories: He is Faithful

Don’t let fear keep you from doing the things God is asking you to do. What He is asking may seem too difficult or scary. But I have learned God is faithful. If He asks you to do something, He will give everything you need for the journey.Tammy Zevenbergen God Preparing Our Hearts Adoption: Now an incredibly familiar word that I use to know so little about. Yet over time God touched my life ever so gently with the idea. At the...

18 May

Adoption Stories: We Were Made for This

Their biggest loss became our greatest gain and we will never forget that. We are forever grateful to have relationships that we would have never had without adoption. This has been the most unexpected blessing of adoption!Johnny and Paola, Adoptive Parents Made for This We truly believe we were made for this. Paola remembers telling her mom from a young age that she would adopt a child some day. She has talked about it for years, even before meeting Johnny. When we...