
28 Feb

Testimony Tuesdays

  We reserve Tuesdays to share stories from  some of our grant recipients.  May you be blessed by their stories…. “Hey, hey, I’m going to be a big brother.”  Those, the words of a 2 year old named Jacob to a restaurant manager on a spring 2011 evening that took his mom and dad by incredible surprise!  No, we had no plans to re-insert our name into the hat as a waiting adoptive family.  But God did!  And with these words, a seed had been...

21 Feb

Testimony Tuesdays

  We reserve Tuesdays to share stories from  some of our grant recipients.  May you be blessed by their stories….                  Our journey in building our family has continued to be one of surprise and joy.   It was only 7 months ago when Sharon and I were talking about adoption again, having adopted a beautiful little girl 2 years earlier.   Believing that God was leading us to once again grow our family and share His story of...

16 Feb

Releasing control

God has reminded me yet again of this simple truth. He is in control. I am not. In my last post I shared about how powerful God worked in my relationship with “T”, my daughter’s birth mom. I want to share a bit more of that story. One of the more difficult things in my life was having to say good bye to the woman I had known for only 15 days. It is amazing what...

15 Feb

When Love Looks Different

  What if love looks different than we expect or imagine?   What if love is hard?   What if many don't understand when love looks different?   When we plan to become parents, we have a flood of emotions, including excitement! Particularly as adoptive parents, because let’s face it, no one accidentally becomes an adoptive parent.  

14 Feb

Testimony Tuesdays

We reserve Tuesdays to share stories from  some of our grant recipients.  May you be blessed by their stories….   Perhaps we were destined to adopt internationally.  John is one of three kids and both of his siblings are adopted.  They were adopted in the U.S. as infants because his parents were “unable” to have kids (until John came along several years later and surprised them!).  Kristi has always been interested in other cultures and languages.  In college that...

13 Feb

From Inside…

     February 7th, our last full day in Russia, we loaded all of our supplies and gifts for the children onto three vans.  We would travel 4 hours from where we had been staying to an orphanage, to meet the children we had been praying for.  It felt surreal to me… God has given me such a heart for the orphans.  Years ago I asked Him to break my heart for the things that break His and He...

09 Feb

I’m the One

I’m the one. I’m the kid that made them change the rules, and now your kids can no longer bring PB&J to school. I’m allergic to peanuts. I’m the one. I’m the kid that’s not so good at sports.  I’m the kid that missed one too many balls and we lost the game.  You know, the one that other parents are talking about?  If only I didn’t play? I’m not so good at sports. I’m the one. I’m the kid that doesn’t have any...

31 Jan

Testimony Tuesdays

On Tuesdays, we take time to focus on some of our families that have received grants from Katelyn's Fund.  May you be blessed by their stories…..   Adoption has been our hearts for quite awhile.  I (Kandace) had the privilege of visiting Romania while in college, I spent some time in an orphanage there, and my heart was inclined to the orphan ever since.  God placed it on our hearts that sometime in our marriage we would look...

31 Jan

unexpected blessing

For those of you who follow this blog, I would like to introduce myself: Hi, I’m Linsey! I am first and foremost a child of God. I am also a wife of almost 7 years, a mother of two, and a campus minister to college athletes. I am new to the adoption community as my daughter, Hadassah, that I was given through adoption is only 3 1/2 months old! I have a 1 1/2 year old son, Hudson, that...

26 Jan

Salt ‘n Pepper

  Something’s been rolling around in my heart lately. Why is it so hard to be salt in this broken world? Jesus said, “You are the salt of the earth.” What’s the purpose of salt? It’s to flavor and season. It should change the thing it’s placed upon, making it come to life! Such is Jesus’ affirmation to us as salt....