Blogging on the fly is something I do a lot because…well, because that's life for me right now. On the other hand, I hope to be responsible and take seriously the things I write. I don't want to mislead anyone. As a youth leader, Sunday school teacher, wife, parent and believer, I will be held accountable for the things I say and do (and don't do). All that to say, I was asked a question today that is worthy of addressing...
On Tuesdays, we take time to focus on some of our families that have received grants from Katelyn's Fund. May you be blessed by their stories….. Being itinerant workers with a linguistic organization in Africa working on Bible translation, living by the financial and prayer support of dear friends and churches mostly in the USA, and knowing that our organization has a 'no debt policy', we knew that the financial end of our international adoption would require...
We send our little ones out the door and they enter the school and then adoption comes up – now what do we do?? This mom has some great ideas for how to help our kids talk about adoption in school! I asked for permission to link this post up to our site. Adoption Links for School Enjoy!! ...
I forgot to take my son to dance today. He’s five. He loves it. Our conversation went like this. Mom, “Jaden, I’m sorry, I forgot to take you to dance today. I’m sorry, bud.” Jaden, “That's okay, we can go tomorrow.” “No, they don’t have it tomorrow; we have to wait till next week.” Jaden, "Why I have to skip dance?" “Cuz your mom forgot.” Jaden, "I should said, 'Mom! Dance!"
On Tuesdays, we take time to focus on some of our families that have received grants from Katelyn's Fund. May you be blessed by their stories….. Adopting our son has been an amazing journey of faith for our family. It has been incredible to see God work over this past year culminating in bringing our son home on July 2nd of this year. Katelyn's Fund had a huge hand of encouragement and support in our journey. My husband...
On Tuesdays, we take time to focus on some of our families that have received grants from Katelyn's Fund. May you be blessed by their stories….. We have been married for 10 years and have been blessed with 3 beautiful biological children. We have always talked about adopting, but somehow we were still caught off guard when we felt that God was moving us toward starting the adoption process last November. We attended an adoption and...
On Tuesdays, we take time to focus on some of our families that have received grants from Katelyn's Fund. May you be blessed by their stories….. This adoption was an adoption of faith-almost from day one! We signed on with our agency in February and were excited to again add to our family through the miracle of adoption. Greg found out that his position was being cut and he would lose his job in a little over a...
This is the face of Spina Bifida. It’s not just a ‘condition’; it’s a child! There are thousands of children with spina bifida waiting for a family. The effects of SB are as varied as the personalities of each child. If you are considering medical special needs adoption, would you please pray about adding one of these precious children to your family? ...
On Tuesdays, we take time to focus on some of our families that have received grants from Katelyn's Fund. May you be blessed by their stories….. The pictures of Nathan were taken when we met him in September 2010. Nathan will be our first child. He turned two on February 24th and resides in a specialized orphanage for children with disabilities. Nathan has Down Syndrome, a heart defect (Atrial Septal Defect), and hypothyroidism. We have been in the...
I wanted to share this post – it is shared from a dear friend – may it encourage those of you in "the wait"…. His Name(s) "I am the LORD; that is my name! I will not give my glory to another or my praise to idols." ~ Isaiah 42:8 There is a worship song I like; it goes, ‘He knows my name. ...