Something’s been rolling around in my heart lately.

Why is it so hard to be salt in this broken world?

Jesus said, “You are the salt of the earth.”

What’s the purpose of salt? It’s to flavor and season. It should change the thing it’s placed upon, making it come to life!

Such is Jesus’ affirmation to us as salt. If our Christian walk has no flavor, if we blend in with the world, we are of no value. But no matter how radically independent we are, most of us have some desire to fit in. Especially when the goin’ gets tough.

Radically following Jesus can be so l.o.n.e.l.y.

So how do we pepper our faith with perspective?

In my flesh, I struggle to NOT view situations only in the present. The present is all I know. But if I truly trust God’s sovereignty (and I do), then I realize that He knows what is for my good and for His glory.

I don’t have to know about tomorrow, and I certainly don’t have to worry about it. I only need to seek Him in prayer and immerse myself in His Word.

I often think of Paul and the amazing transformation Jesus made in his life…and his desire to never turn back no.matter.what.

And sometimes I think of Peter after stepping out of the boat, walking toward Jesus when reality hits him, “Lord, save me!” That's where I'm at now. I just need Him to take my hand – no, pick me up and carry me through some days.

I really want to be radically transformed and radically dependant. Even when it brings loneliness and criticism.

I’m a long way from that, but in Paul’s words, “…if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me – the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace.”

Lord Jesus, please help me to be the salt of my environment, and pepper my walk with eternal perspective so that I may joyfully testify of your grace.