
07 Jul

Change of Heart

Ok.  I missed it! Shoot!  I saw it coming, and then let it pass. I thought about writing a post about failure, but I've already written on how I'm a Brat, and on me being Not the Perfect Mom. So, I blog post entitled "I'm a Failure" just seems a little much. But, I was supposed to post on Thursday. Shoot. But but but…. I'm working on my Perfectionism, and so I'm letting that go, and accepting it for what it was. A mistake. ...

28 Jun

Will I Follow…Now?

  He said to another man, “Follow me.”   But the man replied, “Lord, first let me go and bury my father.”   Jesus said to him, “Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God.”   This response is much different from that of Peter and Andrew who were casting their nets and “at once” left them to follow Jesus; and the response of James and John who were in a...

27 Jun

I Am Complete in Him!

Tomorrow our family is moving to Roatan, Honduras to serve Jesus Christ as missionaries. Over the last few years as the Lord has been preparing me for the mission field, the enemy's fiery darts fly as he accuses me with, "Who are you to be a missionary!" "You are not worthy!" It is true, I am not worthy, but Jesus Christ is!  In Colossians 1:21-22 God tells us… And you, who once were alienated and enemies in your mind...

15 Jun

Loving in the Mess

   Jesus commands us “to love our neighbors as ourselves” (Matthew 22:39) and if you see someone in need to help them. When we are obedient to these commands it can get messy.  Whenever we are interacting with people it can be messy because people are fallen creators living a fallen world. But Jesus knew this when He gave us the command.  He knew the mess it would be, in fact he was...

13 Jun

Follow Me

  In Matthew 4:19-20 Jesus says to Peter and Andrew, “‘Come, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.’  At once they left their nets and followed him.”   Matthew 9:9 says, “As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collector’s booth.  Follow me,’ he told him, and Matthew got up and followed him.”   Sometimes I wish Jesus would walk up to...

23 May

God’s Speed…

I remember when I first saw this painting… I believe the artist titled it, "Waiting".   Each time I would look at it I could not help but think of my daughter the Lord had put in my heart…  Each time I looked at it I could not help but think of the over 147,000,000 children who are orphaned in the world.  Each time I looked at it my heart ached… It seemed like forever before we were even able to begin...

03 May

Advice I’d Give

Back in December I was asked to do a short video for a conference about advice I would give newly adopting parents.  With the focus on those adopting internationally or older kids. Turns out, I was interviewed for the video instead.  Which worked out just fine.  But a couple of days ago I found the notes I jotted down in preparation.  So, here I am, sharing my thoughts with you! Why should we take care of the orphan?

30 Apr

Our Adventure

  Our little family is headed to Iowa for a few days so my husband can defend his dissertation. A big day…   I'm reminded as we drive back to a place we now love, and where there are so many dear friends, and where we adopted our dear daughter from, that Iowa was our LAST choice for graduate school! We could've gone anywhere as we had no children at the beginning of this doctoral degree and we were ready for adventure. I...

11 Apr

A Dream in My Heart

I have a confession. I have a dream. It's so big that it's impossible. Impossible for me, that is. I'm not ready to share it. Maybe I'm afraid. (Maybe it...

10 Apr

Testimony Tuesdays

We reserve Tuesdays to share stories from  some of our grant recipients.  May you be blessed by their stories….   We are in the process of adopting Mollie Elizabeth who is 2 ½ years old.  She currently is in foster care in China.    Jeremy and Heidi have been married for 16 ½ years.  When our children were younger, they would bring up the subject of adoption.  It was something...