
16 Aug

Make His name Known

This year I have been reading through the bible with my church. I have been struck by the one main pervasive theme: God making Himself known to the world. Said another way, just how much of missional, global God He is.  You can not read the stories of Israel’s kings or the prophets, or even our forefathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob without seeing that the Lord’s plan through it all is to make His name and glory...

14 Aug

Testimony Tuesday

We would like to share the stories of some of our grant recipients.  Enjoy and be encouraged as you hear their stories.   In January of 2011, our lives were introduced to adoption after secondary infertility and we realized that adoption was the path God had planned for us all along.  We are a waiting family and hope to meet our new little baby soon!  We have been blessed with a happy marriage, a...

07 Aug

Testimony Tuesday

We would like to share the stories of some of our grant recipients.  Enjoy and be encouraged as you hear their stories.   Our adoption journey began in 2010 when we adopted our twin daughters, Gaby and Macy.  Gaby was born with Congenital Heart Disease-Hypoplastic Right Heart and went to live with Jesus in August 2010.  Our family desires to above all serve God with our lives and point our children to a faith that is their own.  We hope...

05 Aug

Back to School

We send our little ones out the door and they enter the school and then adoption comes up – now what do we do?? This mom has some great ideas for how to help our kids talk about adoption in school!  I asked for permission to link this post up to our site.  Adoption Links for School Enjoy!! ...

31 Jul

Parenting beyond your capacity!

I am reading a helpful parenting book by Reggie Joiner & Carey Niewhof titled, “Parenting Beyond Your Capacity” Though I am not done with the book yet (because let’s be honest trying to read a book with a 9 month old and 2 year old is hard to do and the Bible comes first each day when it comes to reading) I thought I would share a few quotes that have been insightful. “Your role is...

31 Jul

Testimony Tuesday

  We would like to share the stories of some of our grant recipients.  Enjoy and be encouraged as you hear their stories.   The Lord has been so very generous in allowing us to partner with Him in the process of taking care of His little ones.  We’ve been blessed with five beautiful children, four of whom are adopted. We have three children from China (Lily, 11, Jadon, 11, and Grace, 7), a daughter from Ukraine (Yana, 14) and a homegrown son...

26 Jul

Dry Bones

  11 Then he said to me: “Son of man, these bones are the people of Israel. They say, ‘Our bones are dried up and our hope is gone; we are cut off.’ M)">12 Therefore prophesy and say to them: ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: My people, I am going to open your graves and bring you up from them; I will bring you back to the land of Israel. N)">13 Then...

24 Jul

Testimony Tuesday

  We would like to share the stories of some of our grant recipients.  Enjoy and be encouraged as you hear their stories.   Our adoption journey began about 2 ½ years ago when we began the paperwork process.  Prior to that, we went through different infertility treatments, but throughout all of it God was working in our hearts to consider the path of adoption.  When we announced to our oldest daughter Kyra we would be adopting, she was very excited about...

14 Jul

Detour to Nineveh

  The story of Jonah’s reluctance to obey God and go to Nineveh to “cry out against it” reminds me of my own reluctance to fully trust and obey Him. Jonah tried to run as far as he could in the opposite direction. Though I may not physically board a ship, I often respond in disobedience for reasons which may seem legitimate. “God, that is impossible.” “Lord, You know how people already think I’m crazy.” “I’m not sure I heard you clearly so let me talk...

12 Jul

Enormous Responsiblitly

Sometimes when I stop to think about the enormous responsibility it is to raise children I can become overwhelmed that I just want to stop thinking about it. Especially when I think about raising a son. I say this, because from my life experiences and the things I have seen in the Christian Church it appears to me that many men in our country are missing what it means to be a man of God. I know...