The story of Jonah’s reluctance to obey God and go to Nineveh to “cry out against it” reminds me of my own reluctance to fully trust and obey Him.

Jonah tried to run as far as he could in the opposite direction.

Though I may not physically board a ship, I often respond in disobedience for reasons which may seem legitimate.

“God, that is impossible.”

“Lord, You know how people already think I’m crazy.”

“I’m not sure I heard you clearly so let me talk this over with someone.”

“But, Lord, I’m X old.”

“I promise to be faithful…later.”

“I have nothing to offer.”

“That’s not my calling.”

“But that would require so much of me.”

While wise counsel is good, nothing trumps the Word of the Lord.  And the things He calls us to are impossible…for us.  Otherwise, we wouldn’t need Him and the glory would only be ours.  And considering the sacrifice He made for us, can we really offer too much?  Though it is the way of the world, are we more concerned about pleasing the Lord or man?

I praise the Lord that He is a God of second chances…and endless mercy.

Just as Jonah came to realize how wrong he was to run from God, so can we.  Hopefully we aren’t in the belly of a big fish when we see the light.  Our moment of realization may come in missed opportunities, more trouble, falling prey to the lies of the enemy or sinking into sin.

Where is your Nineveh?  And what is causing you to detour?