
22 Mar

Language list:

The following came from Adoptive Families magazine, May/June 1992.  It was part of our teaching packet for our ongoing adoption.  I think its worth sharing. Positive Language vs. Negative Language: Birthparent vs. Real parent Biological parent vs. Natural parent Birth child vs. Own child My child vs. Adopted child; own child Born to unmarried parents vs. illegitimate Terminate parental rights vs. give up Make an adoption plan vs. give away To parent vs. to keep Waiting child vs. adoptable child; available child Biological or birth father vs. real father Making contact with...

22 Mar

Trans-Racial Adoption

Our daughter turned four in October.  She has been in our family since a tender one day old and we have been blessed to have been present for almost her entire life outside of the womb.  She amazes us often with her wisdom and also with the funny comments she shares with our family.  I had been thinking recently that I wanted to speak about trans-racial adoption in my next blog post.  I had been asking God about what I...

17 Mar

Resting in Quietness

So the Lord has shown me something lately.   My family as of recently has experienced a lot of changes–husband’s change of career, new city, new school for our kids, new house, re-kindling friendships with old friends…a lot of transition. Five moves in my twins’ three short years of life has left room for some growing pains–an ache of the temporary and a longing for permanence, for stability, for security.   Much of my prayers recently since we have become somewhat more “settled” have...

15 Mar


Yesterday I spent some time away with the Lord.  I needed to slow down, be still, and connect with Him in a really big way.  I carved out half a day to do so and gathered my bible, my journal, my ink pen and some mints.  I went to the local house of prayer and just listened to music, rested and then organized my thoughts.  I had some things I wanted God to help me sort out.  Were we still...

14 Mar

The Now

My husband asked me on my 30th birthday last week, “what season of life has been the best?” It is always hard for me to answer questions that have the word ‘favorite’ in them.      As I reflected it seemed that I kept repeating the same phrase, “if I had known how good I had it”. It seemed that in looking back over my life each of the seasons had some very special things about them. If I would have understood during...

11 Mar

A Prayer Away…

For years we have been praying for our families to become Christians… It’s heartbreaking when you know the truth, and your loved ones do not.  The thought of even one of them spending an eternity in hell is more than one can truly fathom…. yet, why is it easier for me to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with a complete stranger, than with my beloved family?  One thing the devil tries to do to dissuade me is to...

14 Feb

God Unchanging

Even though everything in my life changes, from my mind to the unforeseen circumstances, God is always the same! (Psalm 102:26-27) ...

13 Feb

Jesus is greater

Stars seem to fascinate my 2 1/2 year old son Hudson. He has glow in the dark stars on his bedroom ceiling. He likes to sing about stars, talk about the moon and stars, and point out stars in all the books we read. His little sister is right there with him in her interest in stars. Hadassah, now almost 1 1/2, sings twittle twittle little star daily. She likes to turn the lights off in her room...

07 Feb


Crazy thing, that fear. Irrational even.  Actually, quite often irrational.   Fear isn’t always a bad thing.  It tells us when there’s danger.  It starts our bodies on a response journey that enables us to fight or flee if necessary.   I’m not talking about that someone chasing you in the middle of the woods kind of fear.   I’m facing a irrational fear right now.   I have a fear of not being able to breathe…. …in water.   I’m not afraid of water.  I can swim.  I just prefer...

05 Feb

Being Audacious

“Dear God, let us have a good time today. Bless this food to our bodies. Amen.”     Have you ever heard one of those around your dinner table?  I did, not too long ago.  It’s easy to fall into–no doubt about that.  Comfortable prayers that satisfy our sense of responsiblity.  Prayers that may be answered… but you really wouldn’t notice if they weren’t.  They don’t require much and they leave no room for disappointment.  You know, just in case God doesn’t answer my prayer like I...