So the Lord has shown me something lately.


My family as of recently has experienced a lot of changes–husband’s change of career, new city, new school for our kids, new house, re-kindling friendships with old friends…a lot of transition. Five moves in my twins’ three short years of life has left room for some growing pains–an ache of the temporary and a longing for permanence, for stability, for security.


Much of my prayers recently since we have become somewhat more “settled” have been praises of gratitude for where the Lord has us now–and yet i catch myself wondering if these praises stem from a praise of the circumstances rather than of my Savior and Provider? If I were truly honest, much of what provides my sense of peacefulness–and happiness–is that which has no eternal significance–a steady job, a comfortable home, early morning views of the sunrise through trees, a routine that we love–and while these things are not negatives in themselves and are certainly gifts from the Lord, he has caused me to see how I cherish these things in and of themselves. I find myself loving the gifts more than the Giver. This hit me the other night when I began thinking…if these things were to be systematically stripped from me–in the manner Job experienced, what would my reaction be? If I had no claim to earthly security, health, reputation…would i be a person of joy? would i praise Christ readily and freely? Such examination leads me to the cross in confession–of the ways i make idols of the very gifts He gives, of the importance i put on these things, and the way i fail to pursue my Creator and instead seek the comfort of the things of this world.


These recent reflections have been times the Lord ministers to me. As i contemplate the desire of a quiet life against the evident call of the Gospel (not too quiet–especially as we anticipate adding to our family through adoption!), I have wondered how such conflicting feelings can exist in the heart of a believer who seeks to desire the things of the Lord? It was here that the Lord met me: MY SPIRIT AND HEART CAN BE QUIET, EVEN IF LIFE IS NOT. The true joy, peace, endurance, persistent, pursuant faith and abiding communion of a believer allows (and calls) us to lead lives with a quiet spirit–enabled by the Holy Spirit, equipped by the Word, encouraged by the Body. Let us be people of quiet hearts and quiet spirits, resting in the goodness of the Lord Himself.