Even though everything in my life changes, from my mind to the unforeseen circumstances, God is always the same! (Psalm 102:26-27)
I am so glad I can rely on this truth. The ‘crises’ and ‘emergencies’ of daily life with a super-size family can be overwhelming at times. They catch me off guard, throw me for a loop. Why? Because I am a Type A, plan-ahead, scheduled-it-or-forget-it kinda gal. Something that seemed important to me yesterday may be insignificant today.

When God invited our family to join Him on another journey to adopt, it wasn’t a whim, an afterthought or a joke. It was an invitation. One that ultimately would test our faith and bring Him glory. He did not change His mind when things got tough. Numbers 23:19 says, “God is not a man, that he should lie, not a son of man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?”

God’s plans cannot be thwarted. His plans are from eternity past. So if He invites us to do the impossible, will He not accomplish the impossible?

God is revealing Himself in astounding ways in the last leg of our journey to bring our daughter home. He has touched the hearts of His people, and He has blessed us in ways we couldn’t even fathom.

I stand in awe as I watch His plans unfold. I tell of His goodness as He continues to move. I stand on His promises to bring His plans to fruition. I praise Him for what He will do.

Because He is God unchanging!