It takes time to help a wounded child heal. It takes a tenacity that often seems impossible to sustain. It can take its toll on a family and on a marriage. If you have redeemed a child that has been fragmented the stress can often seems overwhelming. A marriage can become stressed. Despair can settle in. ...
An older siblings influence on a younger sibling is great. As I have been watching my 21month old daughter, Hadassah, copy her 3 year old brother, Hudson, I have been amazed by his influence on her. She literally tries to do everything he does and copies almost everything he says. This can be so cute when he is being sweet and she is following suite but when he is yelling “papa poop” or choosing to not listen when I ask...
Morning worship has crowded my thoughts all day. The pastor chose to preach on 2 Sam 1, the story of Saul and Jonathan being killed in battle. After their death, David mourned. Although, Saul had chased David all over Israel seeking to kill him, David wept at his loss. David was now safe from Saul, the kingdom was safe from a despot and David was now King of Israel, yet he did not celebrate. David won! And yet…he wept.
So much talk lately of racism, stereotyping and racial profiling. I think we are all aware of the recent case that caused so much discussion and outrage. I am not one that feverishly follows things, but I hear enough and take in bits here and there to know what situation involves. It has made me think a lot about the stereotypes that I operate under and further it has sparked discussion with our older kids about all of these things. ...
Can I just confess to you right now that there are days that I feel like I am not stable or mature enough to be a nurturing, restorative part of my children’s lives? I get frustrated, uptight, and dare I say, a little…grumpy. I am the type of person who sees a problematic or sinful behavior in my children and I just want to nip it in the proverbial bud. Consistent, firm discipline should take care of any...
As I sit and write I am not sure what to say because I don’t know who you are that is reading this. But I suppose you are someone who has a family and may want to grow your family. My husband and I have 2 wonderful kids. Our oldest (3yr) is from natural birth and our daughter (1 1/2yr) from “supernatural” birth (adoption world language for adopted). We are able to have more children naturally but our hearts are...