Navigating the financial pieces of the adoption process can feel daunting! We have talked through the fundraising piece and I know many who believe that you shouldn’t enter the adoption process until you have all of the money saved. Then there are others to step in, not knowing where the money is going to come from but trusting that God will provide. Which process is “right” or “best”?? ...
My pastor has been doing a sermon series that is focused on encountering God. He has challenged us in this area and has spoken on what it looks like to encounter God face to face. I have loved having growth in relationship with Christ that involves encountering God. I find that there are so many times that I don’t stop and see my encounters with God. I feel Him close and know that He is walking with me day by...
Well, I missed my blog day on Friday and I have something today….so I’m writing now. Sorry. I’m not really very punctual. Or worried about it. I’m seldom late without a good reason. Friday was adoption therapy, then trying to fix the dining room fan with my husband, then lunch and a melt-down or two…then the homecoming parade and the welcome home of all of my kids for the weekend….so, yeah. Oh, and then the in-laws came.
“Surely the Lord is in this place, and I was not aware of it.” Genesis 28:16 These are words of Jacob as he ran for his life. Aren’t they so true to us humans? How many times have I been able to say these same words to myself on the other side of a trial or suffering? God was here, and I didn’t even know it! ...
God placed adoption on my heart a long long time ago. I can remember back in high school telling people I was going to adopt a child someday. I know it is a calling from the Lord. I also know that it is a command from the Lord to take care of the orphan (James 1:27). It is hard for me to grabble with how much of adopting has to be a clear calling. Let me back up a little....
So, those of you out there who are Caucasian and parenting an African American girl likely have experienced hair. You know when you plan to adopt an African American child you will need to learn about doing hair, but you really don’t understand the magnitude until you are all in, fighting to learn and understand how to take care of your child’s hair. ...