
27 Jul

Call to Action!

Like most parents adopting from DRC, our journey has been (and continues to be) a FIGHT to bring our children home. Over the past year, we have advocated, lobbied, asserted, challenged, called up, charged, confronted, pressed, and prayed and prayed and prayed for our boys. ...

25 Jul

Kisses every day….

This past week, our youngest son Josiah developed a viral fever.  He could not go to daycare but wasn’t really very sick, t hank goodness.  He stuck close to home with me, or his grandma, or his older brothers so that I could get my work done.   ...

17 Jul

Your Kingdom Come

This is a blog entry I wrote from the middle of our second adoption process in 2012.  Niki’s last post about the work of prayer reminded me of the prayer journey God has me on.  I hope this encourages you.   ...

16 Jul

the prayer work of adoption

Two weeks ago I left on a three-day retreat to visit some prayer warrior/social justice/Jesus-loving friends.  I was a bit disheartened by the reality of adoption.  I prefer to live in the ideal world.  Ask anyone and they will tell you.  I was tired and defeated and worn down…..and God’s timing was a gift, to have had this visit with friends planned. ...

13 Jul

Recharging the batteries

This past few days, my hubby has continued his summer tradition of a “Daddy vacation” and he’s taken our twins out of town for a few days, which gives me some quiet time at home, to complete a few projects, but mostly just to recharge my battery. ...

10 Jul

Instant Friends

Jesus talks about childlike faith and He applauds it. He say’s that if anyone should come to Him with faith like a child He will welcome him.  (Matt 18:4, 19:14) ...

09 Jul


The story of Jonah’s reluctance to obey God and go to Ninevah to “cry out against it” reminds me of my own reluctance to fully trust and obey Him. Jonah tried to run as far as he could in the opposite direction.  ...

07 Jul

To be or not to be…Organized

God definitely epuips us for the work he has for us to do.  Seemingly since birth, God has made me an easily organized person.  I take no credit for this, to God be the glory alone!  Still, I am extremely grateful to Him for this blessing of organization.  It has made managing the home for a large family not only easier but desirable;  I really enjoy managing our home! Now my struggle is ...

05 Jul

Prayer for our Children Each Day of the Month

Sometimes life and the season of parenting that I am in gets me gasping for air.  Life keeps me on the run and sometimes out of balance.   Some days the prayer warrior in me doesn’t make it out to battle.  Some times I fight for it in the hours of the early morning and some times I don’t.  I truly believe God understands the season that I am in, He doesn’t want me to live in guilt over time lost....