
06 Oct


Although I wrote this weeks ago, it is still for today.  I am feeling sorry for myself. ...

01 Oct

Open Hands

God calls us to have open hands.  This is a thought that has been rolling around in my mind often these days. Open hands receive easily and give easily.  I love 1 Corinthians 9:6 that tells us that Whoever sows sparingly with reap sparingly and whoever sows generously will reap generously.   When it comes to money, cash is not always easy to get but is always easy to spend.  Have you ever felt your grip tighten as you feel your pocket lighten?...

26 Sep

Whether it is yes or no…

Recently, there was a facebook post asking for help finding a family for a sibling group of 5 in Arkansas  Maybe you saw it.  I clicked on it, read the article, showed my husband….and even sent an email asking about these kids.  I really did.  I know its crazy.  Certain members of my family feel sick to their stomach when I talk about this.     ...

23 Sep

Maybe my child is your mission?

Psalm 34 4 I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. 5 Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.   Taking kids to church can be one of the most humbling experiences Christian parents have. Some kids who come from hard places have a hard time sitting still for long periods of time. Managing all of the structure demands and the transitions that Sunday mornings present can be difficult for many little...

19 Sep

A New Start

I may have written about this last year at this time, but I just can’t stop thinking about how much new transitions impact our kids.  ...

17 Sep

When things are hard…..

Lately I’ve met some new people with the onset of a new school year.  New teachers and other moms, etc.  When we discuss families (theirs and mine) I tend to hear things like, “well bless you for taking in these children” etc.  and my least favorite comment, “I don’t know how you do it.  I could never do it”…..regarding adoption and raising a large family.  Well.  Newsflash.  I “do it” because they are my CHILDREN!!!!!  

12 Sep


Mid-September is a hard season.  There are hints of summer still around, such as blooming wildflowers and birds singing.  Our floors are littered with flip-flops.  On a late afternoon Saturday walk in my neighborhood, I can smell someone’s grill smoking, in preparation for something yummy and fresh for dinner.  My school age kids insist on wearing shorts to school.  Summer lingers. ...

11 Sep


Our daughter will be 3 years old next month. I recall her adoption journey, her birth mother and the beauty of those redemptive relationships. God did an amazing work in Tal’Shica (birthmother) through her crisis pregnancy (He brought her into a relationship with Jesus!!) and He knit my heart with hers in a unique way that can not be matched. Click Here to hear her story she recorded to help other woman in crisis pregnancy situations. If you watched Tal’Shica’s...

08 Sep

Pushing Back

Recently, a friend returned from chaperoning our high school youth group on a camping trip to the Boundary Waters in northern Minnesota.  He had an interesting story to tell of a bear.  ...

04 Sep

The Drop Box

God inspires his children to do incredible things.   He makes ordinary people into heroes for the sake of those needing a hand.  Here is a glimpse into the story of one such hero. ...