Recently, there was a facebook post asking for help finding a family for a sibling group of 5 in Arkansas  Maybe you saw it.  I clicked on it, read the article, showed my husband….and even sent an email asking about these kids.  I really did.  I know its crazy.  Certain members of my family feel sick to their stomach when I talk about this.    The trouble is, that when I saw these kids and I knew that many people would not consider because of the size of the family, I was totally “yes”.  Yes, we could take those kids.  We could.  We would have to rearrange everything in our house and likely sacrifice in major ways….but we could do it.  I was “yes” to The Lord.  I was “yes” enough to send an email and ask about the kids. My husband was appalled that I had sent the email, but he, too, had to say….well, I guess we could….


We are not the perfect candidates to adopt these kids  They want a family in Arkansas that is fluent in American Sign Language.  If you know someone that fits this criteria, please tell them about this sibling set of 5.  I prayed and asked The Lord to let His will be done in these children’s lives, and I asked him to find the right family for them soon.  I have peace in that.  If for some bizarre reason, they find their way to my home, I am “yes”.  If they don’t I know without a doubt that I get credit for my “yes” in Heaven.  The Lord is definitely keeping track of the “yes” and “no” in my Spirit.


What’s even more significant is that this “yes” is a big, big deal.  We already have 5 children and are drowning in stress and chaos and financial burden and bad coping…..but I can say “yes” because if The Lord wants this, He will make a way for it to be possible.  That’s not the significant piece here….what is a much bigger deal is that even a big “yes” like this will never cancel out all of the “no” I have given Him and the missed opportunities and the prevalence of sin in me.  Significantly, it doesn’t matter.  His Son Jesus paid the price for all of my “no” and made sure my “yes” doesn’t even register on the cross.  It’s about Jesus, not me.  It’s about following Jesus and wondering what He would do…..and never, ever feeling like I have done enough or yielded enough  Nothing compares to the One who gave it all for me.


I may have a few well-placed “yes” and a multitude of “no” regarding what The Lord desires for me…..but knowing His Grace covers both is beyond significant.