
08 Jan

hard road of adoption

Adoption isn’t easy, everyone knows this. Adoption is not the way God intended families to be built originally. Adoption is God’s grace lavished on humanity as a way to take something ugly and make it beautiful.  For us adoptive families, we are standing in the gap for these children and woman in crisis situations.  We realize that in the best case scenario every baby should be cared for my the father and mother who brought them into this world.  These are...

02 Jan

How Am I Smart?

One of the ways I have been spending my Christmas break has been with my nose in this book!  This is an interesting read that opens up the theory of multiple intelligences.  It is always fascinating as a home-educator and also as a mom, to discover how each of my children learn, think, and interact with the world differently, as well as understanding a few more things about myself! ...

30 Dec

Wearing the Skin

It has been difficult these past few weeks in our home. You see, my husband goes to work each day wearing the uniform that has become an object of hate. He wears the skin that is assumed to be racist and he continues to respond to and protect the public that has no problem hating, spitting on and ridiculing him. He is called racist yet comes home and loves on his beautiful little girl with that dark brown skin that...

26 Dec

christmas reflection

I want to share a brief reflection on Christmas and Christians. You see, in my work with college athletes I often sit across the table from people who by name and label call themselves Christians. After all, we live in nation founded on Christianity and we experience freedom of religion. There is a tradition of Christianity in which many people are raised in families that embrace the traditions. The majority culture celebrates Christmas and Easter. And then I read about the...

24 Dec


We had a famiversary in our home last week. It was the eighth anniversary of the wild week in Ethiopia where we met our two youngest daughters.  Our first Christmas together was wonderful and stressful and amazing. I love to tell the story of our first day together in our home.  Our little girls love to hear it and we often retell it at home. I decided it bears repeating here as well. ...

20 Dec


I remember climbing up in a tree one day as a little girl and hiding. I wanted to see if my family would notice that I was gone. I wanted to see them come looking for me. I didn’t have the maturity to realize at that moment that I was looking to have my place in my family, and their love for me, validated. I needed to know I was wanted. ...

13 Dec


It’s the Heits famiversary this week! It was eight years ago that we met our two youngest daughters in Ethiopia. God has been faithful even though those beginning days were hard.     Here’s our 22 year old daughter’s recollections of our early experience. ...

12 Dec

gifts and scars

We have adopted 2 children and biologically had 3 children.  One of our adoptions was a domestic closed adoption and one was a very open domestic adoption.  We tried to do an international adoption but that was not God’s plan.  We have honored our 2 birth moms in thought, deed and prayer and are so grateful that they were willing to allow their children to come be a part of our family…..   Presently, I am involved with 2 different women who...

11 Dec

disappointment in the journey

I am not sure how to write this post. I want to be raw and real. I want to share honestly. And yet there is part of me that wants to hold back. I don’t want to scare people away from the gift of adoption. I realize that all that I am feeling and all that I have experienced can not be put into a blog. So here I am, it is my day to blog for Katelyn’s fund and...

04 Dec

Things You Learn as an Adoptive Family

So the other day I was roaming Facebook (who me??  wasting time on Facebook?  Nah, couldn’t be).  A friend posted an article called 16 Things You Learn As An Adoptive Parent.    Now, I don’t agree with everything in the article, so if you follow this link don’t assume that I do, or that Katelyn’s Fund does (how’s that for a disclaimer?).   But some things were just right on!  I hope if you read it and have gone through process you...