
06 Oct

Testimony Tuesday

Craig and Michelle Oyler Family Children: Ashlyn (17), Chantel (15), Jadrian (12), Preston (10), and coming home soon Kian (5) Cutler Ridge Church New Conference, Cutler, Indiana   Our adoption journey began a couple of years ago when we began to pray that God would use our family as His hands and feet here on earth. We did not know for sure what He had in His plan for us, but we were open and willing. In the year that followed, several things started...

05 Oct

Blog worth reading This is the link for a blog I read recently. If you are in the adoption process as we are , I hope you will take a few minutes to read it.  Right now!   It is well worth the read and an excellent reminder of the sovereignty of our wonderful God! (I am re-reading it right after I finish this!) ...

02 Oct

Dreams and Rotten Eggs

  I have nine free range chickens but no rooster. We enjoy the fresh eggs and their gentle demeanors as they peruse around our country property. Every once in a while an instinctual switch will prompt one of these chickens to try and hatch a clutch of unfertilized eggs. A broody hen like this will pluck out her breast feathers, stop eating, cease laying eggs, and just sit…on eggs that will never hatch. . I was missing a hen a week ago. We...

02 Oct

How Haiti Changed My Life

Written by a OneVision Haiti Sponsor – Ashley Z.   From the day we first talked about Haiti’s earthquake in school 5 years ago, I have felt a longing to visit and help this country. This past June, I finally had the opportunity to go! It was my first time on a plane, first time out of the country, first time seeing the ocean, and the first time I was finally given the opportunity to go and to fulfill one of my dreams. ...

29 Sep

Testimony Tuesday

David and Eva McDorman family Children: Max (2) Church: Liberty Christian Fellowship in Liberty, Missouri   It has never been a question of “if” we would adopt but more of a “when and where” puzzle for us.  We have discussed adopting on and off for a while, but David’s recent travels to Haiti for mission work showed us the pressing needs of orphans today.  It also affirmed in us that we are beyond blessed and it is time to pass our blessings on to...

25 Sep

In the Spotlight – Rose and Esterline

I have couple very special girls I would like you to meet on this grand Friday as the weekend draws near. They’re sisters. They’re older. But they still have the one universal need: to love and be loved deeply. Looking at their two pictures today, I hear the Father asking again, “Who will go for me?” Who will show these two beautiful ones that they are worth fighting for? ...

22 Sep

Testimony Tuesday

Mike and Cassie Krueger Family Children:  Taylor (11), Brandon (8), Emma (5), Samuel (4), Aubrey (2), Isabelle (1), Eli (2 months) Church: Faith Community Church, Hudson WI Our adoption journey started many years ago when we were told we would not be able to have biological children.  While waiting to pursue the adoption call placed on our hearts, the Lord blessed us with 3 biological children.  After the loss of Mike’s parents, we adopted 3 children using an inheritance from them. 

18 Sep

Opportunity for Orphanage Sponsorship

“For nothing will be impossible with God…” How easy it is to anchor into those words of truth and proclaim them unrelentingly — that is, until we’re navigating through our own battlefield of seeing an “impossibility” come to pass. I find myself in that place today. ...

15 Sep

Testimony Tuesday

Brendon and Ruby Doutrich family Children: Chloe (5), Chase (3) Church: United Bethel Mennonite Church, Plain City, Ohio   We have been in the adoption process for nearly a year. We have partnered with Bethany Christian Services and are working towards adopting a child from a crisis pregnancy. The process has had its ups and downs. The paperwork and getting approved to be a waiting family went smoothly, but unexpected social worker changes and other bumps in the road have made us realize just...

12 Sep

Anticipation: Excitement and Uncertainty

This coming week we will travel back to the birth state of our 3rd child to finalize his adoption. We are excited about this family trip to Alabama! Though, Judah is only 4 1/2 months old and will not remember this special trip, his older siblings might. This trip will most likely provide opportunity to talk more about adoption with our older children. It may bring up questions for our adoptive daughter as well.   The social worker has told us that Judah’s...