
02 Feb

Testimony Tuesday

Evan & Ruthanne McRae Family Church: 9th and O Baptist Church, Louisville, KY   While we have always wanted to adopt, we never imagined that we would be adopting from Kyrgyzstan. We always had our hearts set on adopting from China or somewhere in Africa. However, through God closing those doors for different reasons, we found the door to Kyrgyzstan opening. ...

28 Jan


“Mommy who is your birth mom is?” That was the question my sweet 4 year old daughter asked tonight for the first time. I knew that this sort of question would come at some point because we have chosen to normalize adoption. To talk about it openly and honestly. As adoptive parents to 2 of our 3 children, we believe that by bring up the conversation of adoption this allows us to frame it in positively. So, most nights...

19 Jan

Testimony Tuesday

Jon & Christella Hudson Children: Grace 10; Samantha 9; Lily 9; Myley 6; Oliver 5; Freddy 4; Kalli 3 Church: Macedonia Baptist Church, Owensboro, KY Adoption was a concept first introduced in my life when I lost my father at 17.  Shortly before his unexpected death, I met my (future) wife and her parents.  They welcomed me into their home, helped me through college and the beginning of my Marine Corps career.  I saw them living out the love of Christ for someone...

18 Jan

Yes, adoption is costly.

We are in our third adoption, and so tonight we are having a fundraiser. Later this spring, we will likely have another fundraiser. We have been blessed with grants from beautiful, Godly people like those in Katelyn’s Fund and other organizations who have come along side us in support of this costly journey. Yes, adoption is expensive.   As we have seen God provide ...

05 Jan

Testimony Tuesday

Christopher & Angela Harvey family Children: Rylie 10; Grayson 8; Ava 2; Church: NewSpring Church, Spartanburg, SC We are the Harveys from South Carolina. We are finishing up our second adoption from China and hope to travel at the end of June. We brought our daughter home in February of 2014. Shortly after coming home, we felt strongly that we were to go back to China, this time for a son. ...

31 Dec

2015 comes to a close

2015 comes to a close today and tomorrow, by God’s grace, we will begin 2016. My mind can’t help but reflect on the year that has gone by. The events that have taken place, the people I have encountered, the challenges faced, and the blessings experienced. It is so healthy and good to take time to reflect, to allow space for my heart to worship God and remember all He has done. ...

29 Dec

Testimony Tuesday

The Jeremy & Sarah Hartson Family Children:  Taylor 18; Jacob 13; Hope 9; Judah 7 Church:  Faith CRC, Pella, IA We are the Hartson family.  We first began thinking about adoption years ago when we had two children and had struggled to carry a baby to term.  After three miscarriages, we thought adoption might be what was next for our family.  We inquired with a local adoption agency about the process and cost and decided we didn’t have the resources at that time. ...