
03 Oct

Keep On Keeping On

I read Niki’s blog post from this past Saturday, about how sometimes adoptive mommas start to try and ask for a “yes” to adopt again, and it was striking to me how many stages there are on this adoptive journey. Those that have been through it and desire to give more and more.  They see the needs of kiddos and can be overwhelmed in not considering saying “yes” to each scenario. Seeing kids in need and evaluating it as to what God is saying...

01 Oct

how we mamas sometimes start to ask for a “yes” to adopt…….

This week there was a picture of a 9 year old girl on facebook who was in need of an adoptive family.  It was a Second Chance Adoption site, and local friends had picked up the post and were sharing it.  I read about her and shared it too….and wondered if we could be this child’s forever home.  She was in the right age range for our family, according to her needs……and would fit in nicely right in the middle...

29 Sep

Sister’s adoption journey

I have great news to write about today! Last Feb 25th I wrote a blog (Quiet care and silent mercy) reflecting on how the long wait in my sister’s adoption was difficult. How I struggled to understand why God was letting the process of her family being chosen and a new child coming into their forever family to be taking so long. Well today I get to tell the beautiful story, that only God would write, of her new daughter! Kylee...

27 Sep

Testimony Tuesday

Justin and Kathy Hansen Children:  Availya, and Evalina Soon to be added to their family: Oskar, Igor, and Aleksander. Church: Radford Baptist Church, Moneta, VA. We both had a burden for adoption long before we even met. In fact, it was a deciding factor in us getting married. Even before we were married, we started praying together that God would prepare us for adoption and use us in an adoption ministry. We believe that all Christians are commanded to take care of orphans. In...

20 Sep

The Heinous Husband Patrol

One of my guilty summer pleasures is reading women’s magazines. I often read articles on my phone now but I still like to pick up a magazine for long car rides or sitting on the beach. This weekend, I picked up a a three pack of magazines and thumbed my way through them while riding on a bus with my ten year old for a spiritual retreat in the Black Hills. ...

20 Sep

Teaching Tuesdays

Tapestry Conference 2015–Back to Basics Changing What we bring to the parent-child relationship – in terms of your own history, motivations, and expectations – matters just as much as our children’s histories, abilities, needs, and challenges. In order to help our children build trust, heal, and grow, we need to focus on our past, present, and future. By making sense of our past and being realistic about the future, we can be freed to be fully present in each and...

17 Sep

present day super heros…..

There is a new brand of super hero.  She is responsible, she is Spirit-led.  She is ready for the worst and always hoping for the best.  She understands need and supply and demand….and sorrow…..and justice.  She is the Christian Foster Mom.  I don’t think there is a braver soul on Earth than a Christian foster mom.  She does the work to prepare her heart, her home, her family, her friends.  When called upon, she says yes and then starts a...

13 Sep

Testimony Tuesday

Brandon and Melissa Cotter Children: Autumn (7), Brooklyn (4) and Caidyn (2) – Not pictured is our foster son Tristan (3) Church: Galloway Full Gospel Church, Springfield, MO Tears of joy and tears of grief.  Adoption is born out of both, brokenness and love.           Going back to our adoption day video, 2-year-old Caidyn was handed to us by a cheerful nanny who had been our son’s most beloved caretaker in Tianjin, China.  While our eyes were fixed on Caidyn easily coming to...

10 Sep


Today, I did a very hard thing.  I faced some of my biggest fears, and my most prideful weakness.  I went on an adventure with my black daughter Precious to a real hair salon in a real city that is owned by a real black woman.  If you are not a white mother of an African American daughter with very hard hair….this may seem ridiculous.  If you are…..then you understand how scary this day was.  For both of us.  It...

06 Sep

Teaching Tuesdays

Tapestry Conference 2015–Back to Basics Understanding Children from hard places are impacted in many different ways and in varying degrees by their histories. Join us as we explore the six primary risk factors as detailed in The Connected Child, that characterize children from hard places. In order to help our children heal from their relational trauma we need to understand their histories and what the risk factors are. In addition, we must always remember that our children have experienced profound loss. While...