
30 Mar


We as Christ-followers are called to be influencers. We are called to be set apart and holy (Lev. 20:26, Heb. 10:10) and in doing so influence (Matt. 5:16) the world around us for God’s good.  In my church, we are studying through the bible with a reading plan call Love this Book. I have been challenged again about God’s beautiful design to have His people look different from the other people around them. Different in a way that is intriguing...

28 Mar

Teaching Tuesdays

Adopting the Older Child Part 1 of Adopting the Older Child, features Paula St. John discussing the unique challenges and rewards of adopting older children. ...

24 Mar

when family doesn’t cheer

Our first adopted child joined us as the fourth child in our family.  When we told our parents/siblings we were adopting, there were questions and doubts.  Many had a story of someone who had adopted a child who ruined their life, was a “black seed”….(oh my word)……and we had to stand firm and with conviction tell our family that our decision to adopt came from a call from the Lord and a long season of prayer and discussion……..

24 Mar

Hope in God

We are not born with a gentle and quiet spirit. Our parents don’t give it to us. We can’t take a class, wear a patch, or resolve ourselves to have one. Perhaps more frustrating than this, it isn’t something we can give our children. ...

20 Mar

A School Pep Talk for Parents

How is school going for you near the end of the year? I don’t know about you, but this time of year is difficult for me. In the interest of full disclosure, by this time of year, I am embarrassed by my own school mom failures. I am embarrassed that my child doesn’t always have her homework done. I hate that my child doesn’t always study for her spelling tests. I wish my child was never in the wrong when there’s the inevitable...

18 Mar

sometimes, things get better.

The other day, I was working on my daughter’s hair, marveling at her ability to sit still and tolerate the pulling and tugging without screaming, melting down and fighting me.  I was thinking back to how well she tolerated change in plans over the weekend when we were travelling and in a hotel…..and when the answer was “no” there was only a pouty face for a minute and then an ability to accept that “no” and move on.  Whoa.  ...

16 Mar

Weary but not discouraged

I’m tired, I’m worn My heart is heavy From the work it takes To keep on breathing I’ve made mistakes I’ve let my hope fail My soul feels crushed By the weight of this world And I know that You can give me rest So I cry out with all that I have left ...