Adoption isn’t easy, everyone knows this. Adoption is not the way God intended families to be built originally. Adoption is God’s grace lavished on humanity as a way to take something ugly and make it beautiful.  For us adoptive families, we are standing in the gap for these children and woman in crisis situations.  We realize that in the best case scenario every baby should be cared for my the father and mother who brought them into this world.  These are facts that I know and yet when you are face to face with the messiness of adoption it becomes more then just facts.

We are on our 2nd domestic adoption and in the last two months we have had 2 failed adoptions.  Birth moms that were in crisis and wanted to make the best choose they could for their baby and the kids they were already raising. They wanted to place their unborn babies into an adoptive family but when the baby arrived and the time came to make that hard choice they could not do it.


This is hard on so many levels.  I am sure everyone can imagine the difficulties. But what I keep praying is that these hard roads of disappointment, confusion, sadness and questions will not make us bitter towards the gift of grace in adoption. I am grateful for my husband reminding me that by seeing the heart-ache up close and personal we can choose to more passionately pursue adoption not run away from it. We have recently had a front row seat in just 2 pregnant woman’s lives and there are so so many more just like them.  Adoption needs to be an option for these woman in crisis. Adoptive families need to be available for woman to realize the choice of life brings unknown blessings. That an abortion is not the only answer for the crisis they face.  And so our family will continue on the hard road of adoption and stand in the gab for these children that need a family that can care for them.