
05 Apr

Testimony Tuesday

Testimony Tuesday is dedicated to the stories of our grant recipients.  May you be encouraged by their stories….. God has done mighty things in our lives – each being called in different ways. God has brought our family on an incredible journey. A journey of enabling us to be able to become a mom, a dad and a brother to a little 2-year-old girl in Ethiopia. Wow! We have been carried through many of the stages of the adoption process...

04 Apr

Let Go. Let God. Really!

I nervously sat across the room from Kaylan, the 13-year-old pregnant girl who had chosen to meet my husband and me after seeing our adoption profile at an agency.  her belly was bulging under her rocker t-shirt and she was checking us out through her platinum-dyed bangs. I had my iPhone on record in my bag, hoping to get every word she said on record so I could go back and...

31 Mar

Change My Prayer

  I was always that person that said, “Lord, I thank You that You call other folks to adopt older children…but it could never be me!” Funny how that works, isn’t it?  In April 2009 the Lord gripped my heart for children aging out, forever...

30 Mar

Loving Children Not “Our Own”

To those of you who have adopted, you have probably had to read state-required materials which talk all about attachment, bonding, and the like. The main goal behind such literature (in my mind) is to give adoptive parents tools to create a relationship that is unnatural (ie two strangers coming together through the process of adoption) into something that is natural (the bond between parent and child). Because of these readings, and before adopting our children, I wondered to myself,...

29 Mar

Testimony Tuesday

  Testimony Tuesday is dedicated to bringing you stories of our grant recipients.   May you be encouraged by them…. As a family of ten, we weren’t necessarily feeling a need to grow our family, however, God was.  Therefore, in obedience to what He was leading us do for His glory, our journey into adoption began in spring, 2010.  He opened our eyes to the beginning of His plan with the earthquake in Haiti and the helplessness we felt...

08 Dec

I Love My Adopted Child Differently

After reading this post by Donna at Our Heart’s Journey, I knew I had to share it with you.  Thank you, Donna, for giving me permission to do so!  And for sharing your heart. Yes, I admit it. I love my adopted children “differently.” I do. I can’t help it. They didn’t “come from” my body. We do not share the same DNA. Or the same skin tone or the same hair color. In the adoption community, these are not things we try to ignore. Overlook or down...

16 Nov

DVD Escapade

  I had picked up a couple of movies at the local Redbox. One was for the kids, one was for myself.  Something to watch on those long nights while my hubby was working. The kids watched theirs right away.  I didn’t get a chance that night or the next.  But that’s ok, I thought, it’s only a $1 a day.  A couple more dollars won’t hurt. The 3rd night I went to watch it…and it wasn’t there! The  case was there, but it was...

04 Nov

National Adoption Awareness Month

On the prowl for some simple activities our family could enjoy throughout this special month, I came across this amazing calendar.  The ease of most ideas combined with the meaningfulness behind them will provide wonderful ways for my husband, our 4 kids, and I to commemorate how we’ve been blessed by the gift of adoption. Check out the calendar for some fun plans, and please feel free to comment and...

30 Sep

If What

 I’m notorious for my worrying skills.  Many of us worry about things that never happen, but my husband has gone so far as to tenderly point out my worrying over diseases that don’t even exist.  My beloved Grandma Lizzie worried more than any adult I ever knew… until I became one.   During our adoption process, I perfected the art of worrying on all topics from the downright silly to the downright justified.  What if the social worker looks...