
31 May

Testimony Tuesday

Testimony Tuesday is dedicated to the stories of our grant recipients.  May you be encouraged by their stories… We have been married 29 years and have always loved kids. Kevin is a pastor and also the athletic director and boys basketball coach at our children’s Christian school .  Cindy is a nurse but stays home full time with our children.  God has blessed us with 8 children now.  We adopted our first child...

26 May

Our Cup of Joy

  After our first adoption, I may have shared minor bumps with you (although believe me, they felt like MAJOR bumps at the time!!) but that was all I could share – the joys and the blessings of adoption.  It was textbook – the timeline went basically like we were told, our paperwork went through without any major hitches, and we brought our baby girl home and felt JOY!  Our second adoption story is a completely different story – time frames...

25 May

A Simple Story to Remind us of a Great Truth

Maybe you've thought to yourself, "Why should I bother adopting or helping someone fund adoption – the problem is too large to even make a dent." I know I've felt overwhelmed just thinking about the 5 MILLION orphans in just Ethiopia alone, not to mention the rest of the world.  And yet, while we as Christians await a new heavens and a new earth where there will be no more lonely children or suffering, we CAN make...

24 May

Testimony Tuesday

Testimony Tuesday is dedicated to the stories of our grant recipients.  May you be encouraged by their stories…   Four years ago, the Lord placed our daughter Isabella in my heart…  He instilled upon me three things… She would be born in China.  We would find her on the special needs Waiting Child list.  She would be my journey of faith.  Each one of these proved to...

17 May

Testimony Tuesday

Testimony Tuesday is dedicated to sharing the stories of our grant recipients.  May you be encouraged by their stories….   We never had any intentions of adopting a child.  We can say with certainty that we thought adoption was a good thing, but never imagined it for ourselves.  We attend a church where adoption has not happened for a couple generations, and no one in our community or family contacts has been adopted, either.  So it was never...

13 May

“Why Adoption?”

Below is one of the most well-articulated explanations for adoption.  The author gave me permission to share it with Katelyn's Fund Readers… God, the Gospel, and the Global Cause of Christ: Reflections on Adoption  They call it a “paper pregnancy.” It’s the period of time between the conception and finalization of your adoption. There’s no...

10 May

Happy Birthday

  Today we said, Happy Birthday to our daughters, Elizabeth and Katelyn, one I whispered it in her ear as she climbed into our bed early this morning and the other I whispered into His ear for her. It has been 6 years since the twins were born and such unspeakable joy entered into our lives, it has also been nearly 6 years since Katelyn...

10 May

Testimony Tuesday

Testimony Tuesday is dedicated to the stories of our grant recipients.  May you be encouraged by their stories… Adoption has been a part of our lives for the last 18 years, as we have two nieces and a nephew who are adopted. From the moment our niece joined the family, we have seen first hand the beauty of adoption and how...

05 May

Divine Appointment

It was three days before Easter. Three of my kids had “Easter outfits.” The other four did not. I know. I know. That’s totally not what Easter is about. But, I enjoy seeing them all dressed up. Besides, it was time for them to get some new dress clothes. The ones they’ve been wearing were looking a little tattered. I can’t STAND shopping. Bet you’d like to start a support group for me, huh? So…I procrastinated. I hate...

04 May

Adoption Connection for Dads

  Adoptive Dad Group!  Calling all adoptive fathers!  The first adoptive dad support group is scheduled for Thursday, May 5 at 7 pm. The group will meet at New Hope Evangelical Free Church in Orange City, Iowa, which is located at 718 Florida Avenue SE. There is a local adoptive dad facilitating this group. The group will meet once a month in...